Hi, those errors are more of a symptom that system VMs weren't restarted
rather than something that would prevent them from being restarted (via
script or manually).  If the script is not working, did you try
restarting the system VMs manually?  If not, try doing so using the
CloudStack UI or API.

If the system VMs have already been restarted and you are still seeing
these errors, it may be this bug:


If you're using XenServer, follow the solution in the bug comments.  For
vSphere and KVM, verify that the MD5 of systemvm-4.2.0.iso on secondary
storage matches the one on the management server at

Once the ISO is consistent on the management server, XenServer hosts and
secondary storage, destroy the system VMs and wait for them to recreate,
this time with the correct systemvm.iso.

Best regards,

On 09/25/2013 04:12 AM, Indra Pramana wrote:
> Dear all,
> During my upgrade attempt from CloudStack 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 earlier this week,
> I failed on the step when I need to run the cloudstack-sysvmadm script to
> restart the system VMs.
> nohup cloudstack-sysvmadm -d IP address -u cloud -p -a > sysvm.log 2>&1 &
> When I scrutinize the management server's logs, I saw these error messages
> related to the console proxy system VM:
> ====
> 2013-09-24 02:35:37,722 ERROR [agent.transport.Request]
> (AgentManager-Handler-4:null) Caught problem with
> [{"ConsoleProxyLoadReportCommand":{"_proxyVmId":1903,"_loadInfo":"{\n
> \"connections\": []\n}","contextMap":{},"wait":0}}]
> com.google.gson.JsonParseException: The JsonDeserializer
> com.cloud.agent.transport.ArrayTypeAdaptor@1c74f356 failed to deserialize
> json object
> [{"ConsoleProxyLoadReportCommand":{"_proxyVmId":1903,"_loadInfo":"{\n
> \"connections\": []\n}","contextMap":{},"wait":0}}] given the type class
> [Lcom.cloud.agent.api.Command;
> ====
> More detailed logs can be found on pastebin: http://pastebin.com/EmPF8EMp
> Could it be the reason why the cloudstack-sysvmadm script is unable to
> restart the system VM?
> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
> Cheers.

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