Hello all,

I've tried asking on IRC several times, but have been unsuccessful thus far
and was sent here.

I'm trying to get LDAP authentication against my university's central LDAP

I've gotten a BindDN, password, the user field, and the search base from
them and have been able to successfully find the correct record from their
server using ldapsearch on the command line.

I've put all of this information into the CS LDAP config, created an
account that matches the one on the central LDAP server, but I get "Invalid
Credentials" when I try to use my university password

Here's the LDAP snippet from my management-server.log:

2013-10-10 09:53:44,523 DEBUG [server.auth.LDAPUserAuthenticator]
(catalina-exec-25:null) Retrieving user: jechas01
2013-10-10 09:53:44,523 DEBUG [server.auth.LDAPUserAuthenticator]
(catalina-exec-25:null) Retrieving user: jechas01
2013-10-10 09:53:44,633 INFO  [server.auth.LDAPUserAuthenticator]
(catalina-exec-25:null) DN from LDAP =cn=jechas01
2013-10-10 09:53:44,669 WARN  [server.auth.LDAPUserAuthenticator]
(catalina-exec-25:null) Authentication Failed ! [LDAP: error code 49 -
Invalid Credentials]

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


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