Hi Eric:

So the folks at TrendMicro have done some work around client-focused
crypto of volumes in CloudStack.

CloudStack itself doesn't have object storage (we consume object
storage, but don't write software to provide object storage - plenty
of good projects that do; Ceph, RiakCS, OpenStack Swift, etc.)

You might want to look at HekaFS as well - it's a translator atop
Gluster designed for multi tenant, and does client driven encryption
to ensure isolation even if the security in Gluster is compromised.


On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 7:16 PM, Eric Tykwinski <eric-l...@truenet.com> wrote:
> Just wondering if anyone has inquired about client side crypto on Amazon S3 
> storage?
> I just got a email from Peter Eckersley from the EFF about a new venture to 
> discuss large scale cryptography.
> New mailing list, if anyone's interested: 
> https://lists.eff.org/mailman/listinfo/crypto-ops
> Just wondering if the dev's have thought about implementing anything.  
> Considering this could very well contain confidential information on the 
> snapshots, I'm thinking it might be something to look at.
> I checked the wiki first, but didn't run across it: 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Test+Plans
> Sincerely,
> Eric Tykwinski
> TrueNet, Inc.
> P: 610-429-8300
> F: 610-429-3222

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