Dear Umesh

As you have mentioned about "automation", is  it worth talking about
which the cloud is really meant for. Basically there are 2 types of scaling
scale up
and scale out ( or horizontal and vertical scaling) . scale up means you
are making automatic up and
down the vm resources according to the requirement. i.e for example when
your machine need extra memory
it will attach automatically. In scale up scheme the single machine is
scaled. In horizontal scaling
-- another instance of same type will be up to balance he load ( as incase
of http). Though Cloudstack provides
API for scaling, you can write your own autoscaling script. As told by
Apache, they may add this in future release.for
time being it is supported by Netscaler ( Hardware) provided by Citrix. But
there are some third party tools
which can do this. you can se "scalr"  and
Cloudmonkey is the commandline interface for CloudStack, it is not a
automation tool.  But you can use the API acces method used in Cloudmonkey
for writting your own plugin for CloudStack

Hope you understand

On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 11:58 AM, umesh kute <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Good morning !!!
> I am working as QA engineer and I am new to the cloudstack community.
> We have started using cloudstack and deployed it in our infrastructure.
> Can somebody please help me in identifying the good automation
> framework/tool/anything? The main intention is we want to automate the
> infrastructure validation related cases (for e.g. create/update/delete
> cases for instances, project, network, etc...)
> It would be good if you can help in identifying it.
> Please note: I have gone through cloudmonkey. But i haven't found much help
> on it. May be i need to search a bit more.. I am also going through the
> marvin and planning to setup it. If apart from these two, if anyone has
> different view please suggest.
> Also, if somebody has any pointers on cloudmonkey and marvin or any more
> info on this (like, if it would suffice the infrastructure validation
> related cases i mentioned above) any pros/cons would really be helpful for
> me...
> Appreciate any help on this and looking forward for the response on this!!!
> Thanks and Regards
> -- Umesh Kute

*Thanks and Regards*
Manas Ranjan Biswal
Research Scientist,
OpenTechnology Center,

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