When you increase the factor, the allocated percentage decreases and hence
you can fit in more vms.

Say allocated = 100% = 100gb out of 100gb total space and overprovisioning
factor = 2 and at this moment you can't deploy more vms.
Say you change overprovisioning to 3 and allocated now becomes = 100/150 =
67%, so you can fit more vms.


On 09/01/14 7:59 AM, "François Bousquet"
<francois.bousq...@radialpoint.com> wrote:

>Hello Nitin,
>What is the purpose of overprovisioning if we cannot deploy a server when
>allocated storage is over
>pool.storage.allocated.capacity.disablethreshold reguardless of
>storage.overprovisioning.factor ?
>The way I understand and experience it with my CloudStack 4.1.1 setup, I
>cannot exceed 100% on allocated space even if my overprovisioning factor
>is more than 1.
>Can you please clarify how this is supposed to work?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Nitin Mehta [mailto:nitin.me...@citrix.com]
>Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 13:13
>To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
>Subject: Re: VMWare storage overprovisioning
>On 24/10/13 1:22 AM, "Noel King" <noelk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Thanks for this have reverted it back to .85, does this mean that this
>>value pool.storage.capacity.disablethreshold is factoring in the
>>overprovisioning value?
>No. It is the real usage of the disk equivalent of "df -h".
>>Is there a way to allow
>>utilise the overprovisining factor and stop blocking VM creation when
>>we reach the 85% threshold
>Nope. Do read
>To understand allocated and real usage that CS captures
>>On 24 October 2013 01:32, Nitin Mehta <nitin.me...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>> Advise you to not keep pool.storage.capacity.disablethreshold as 1
>>> This captures the actual usage of the storage and you do not want it to
>>> reach 100% especially possible when you have over provisioned.
>>> On 23/10/13 1:14 PM, "Noel King" <noelk...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >Hi
>>> >
>>> >I am seeing an issue here with Cloudstack and VMWare storage and hope
>>> >can help.  VMWare is using dynamic storage so for a template of 20GB
>>> >reality only 3GB is being used, VMWare currently has the size of the
>>>VM of
>>> >3GB and increases storage allocation to the VM as it requires it.
>>> >Cloudstack thinks 20GB has been consumed
>>> >
>>> >So to overcome this we set
>>> >
>>> >storage.overprovisioning.factor to 5
>>> >
>>> >But we still had issues when we hit 85% (which is not 85% based on
>>> >storage allocation).  The following values were set to .85 and
>>> >these has offered little benefit up to 100%
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >   - pool.storage.capacity.disablethreshold
>>> >   - pool.storage.allocated.capacity.disablethreshold
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >Any advise on other settings on Cloudstack 4.1.1 that could help us.
>>> >
>>> >Kind regards
>>> >
>>> >Noel
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