On 20.01.2014 20:53, Chad wrote:
Hello everyone,


1.       Will CS notify me if a hardware and/or service fails on a
particular host (node)?

Not as far as I know, you will need to set up monitoring on your own.

2. Is this a suitable platform for general cloud web hosting (aka
'shared hosting') as well as VPS and dedicated cloud hosting?


3. Are there any templates available? I Googled and strange enough,
could not find any at all.

This is something currently in progress. Most people here build their own.

4.       What's a suitable HV spec for massive vps cloud hosting? My
guess/assumption is at least a dual hexacore with at least 16GB of ram to start and RAID-10 SSD drives (perhaps 1TB each) just to have that up front hardcore specs and space. However, if I'm understanding correctly, the disk portion has it's on HV while the CPU/Memory is *another* HV, can someone clarify this? This is the general setup concept I got from OnApp techs at
one point.

HW needs vary from case to case, I'd go for maybe less CPU and more memory. SSD is always nice if you can afford it. If you want HA capabilities you'll need to look at shared storage (NAS/SAN/Gluster/CEPH/etc).

5.       Is CS necessarily a good choice for end-customer who wants a
"dedicated cloud" in the sense of the traditional dedicated server? This part for some reason I'm a bit confused on as I've seen some competitors who us CS and offer "dedicated cloud" using CS' platform, but pricing is about the same and nothing else appears different as far as redundancy, etc. Maybe
something slipped my eyes?

I'm not sure I understood this one.

Is there no community forum either? I also searched, only found one from
"open citrix" which is just archives and no activity for a year or so.

users@cloudstack.apache.org is the best place to ask for support at the moment.
A forum might not be a bad idea.


Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


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