On 26.01.2014 17:45, chris snow wrote:
I need to install the following versions of libvirt and qemu on CentOS 6.5
as listed in the Apache Cloudstack 4.2.0 Installation Guide[1]:

 - libvirt: 1.0.0 or higher
 - qemu: 1.0 or higher

The CentOS versions are:

 - libvirt: 0.10.2
 - qemu:

Question 1) Where can I find rpms that meet the requirements, or do I need
to compile and install from source?

Question 2) If I need to install from source, are there some instructions


Not sure, but I think the stock CentOS 6.5 packages might be good enough. Getting newer versions installed might be a bit tricky, not to mention you'd have to deal with security and updates yourself. If you really must, you can try to rebuild newer Fedora SRPMS, but it's likely you will also need a newer kernel. Maybe using Ubuntu might be a better choice..

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


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