Hi all.

A user of our Cloudstack has noticed that when creating a template from inside a project in which he is the administrator he can't delete or create a VM from it. A permission denied error shows up.
The properties of the template show correct domain but an empty account.
¿Any hints on this?

It seems that this was already noticed by someone on the list around last december, but no one replied:


   I spent a few more days experimenting with the CloudStack, and I believe 
there is indeed a problem with permissions and projects. What I found is that 
if I create an ISO or a template based on the snapshot in my individual account 
and make it public, I can the use this ISO or template to create new instances 
both under my individual account as well as under the project I have created. 
However, if I create an ISO or a template inside the project, whenever I try to 
use it I get a similar error message as I have already sent before. 
Furthermore, after creation, I cannot even edit or delete such ISO or template, 
the only way to get rid of them is to delete the entire project. I hope this 
will help to diagnose the problem. Let me know if you need any further 

   Cloudstack version: 4.1.1

   2013-11-28 11:50:59,845 DEBUG [cloud.api.ApiServlet] (http-8443-20:null) ===START=== -- GET  

   2013-11-28 11:50:59,850 INFO  [cloud.api.ApiServer] (http-8443-20:null) 
PermissionDenied: Domain Admin and regular users can modify only their own 
Public templates on uuids: []

   Thomas Joseph

Fernando Guillén Camba
Unidade de Xestión de Infraestruturas TIC
Centro de Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información (CITIUS)
Teléfono: 8818 16409
Correo: citius....@usc.es

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