On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 2:30 PM, Geoff Higginbottom <
geoff.higginbot...@shapeblue.com> wrote:

> Hollman,
> When creating the zone, simply select the local storage option, cloudstack
> will then use the local storage on the Hosts

I've never seen this option on the first step of the zone configuration.
thank you.

Y start my zone but it's not work.

This it's the log if someone can help me

I identify some errors but i don't understand so much :

can not create vdi in sr 24d0e050-be32-f31a-aa93-0d6ce17d2d33

[StoragePool:1] is unreachable: Unable to create Vol[1|vm=1|ROOT]:

Exception while trying to start console proxy
Exception while trying to start secondary storage vm

Unable to acquire lock on VMTemplateStoragePool 7

any idea ?

thank for your help

Hollman Eduardo Enciso R.

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