Just an FYI - For troubleshooting in this area do refer to

On 01/10/14 12:17 PM, "Rohit Yadav" <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:

>Hi Amogh,
>Thanks for pointing in the direction of checking the keystore table. I
>found a certificate entry the content of which was in bad PEM format
>(newline errors, url encode error I think), the other certs were uploaded
>using a patched CloudMonkey (fix went today into master) which would url
>encoded args before sending them to CloudStack.
>On 01-Oct-2014, at 8:56 pm, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
>> Hi Amogh,
>> Thanks for replying. Here the contents from the keystore table (minus
>>sensitive information):
>> id, name, domain_suffix, seq
>> 1 | CPVMCertificate | custom.domain.com | null
>> 2 | root | realhostip.com | 0
>> 4 | newroot | custom.domain.com  | 1
>> 5 | inter1 | custom.domain.com | 2
>> 6 | inter2 | custom.domain.com | 3
>> The Apache CloudStack version is 4.2.1, the systemvm.iso was built by
>>jenkins.buildacloud.org and it was installed by the built rpms. In my
>>case, the hosts were all XenServer 6.2. I checked the CPVM logs, and I
>>see that it’s not getting keystore bytes[] from Management server at
>>all, so falling back to the default realhostip.keystore file when the
>>AgentShell starts and bootstraps ConsoleProxy. The only issue is when
>>console proxy for a VM is viewed, I’m getting SSL cert error so instead
>>of *.custom.domain.com I get the *.realhostip.com SSL cert.
>> Please suggest how may I debug it further or fix it?
>> On 01-Oct-2014, at 7:15 pm, Amogh Vasekar <amogh.vase...@citrix.com>
>>> Hi,
>>> Can you please paste the contents of the keystore table (minus the
>>> key of course)?
>>> For SSVM, in 4.2, the certificate chain was not configured correctly
>>> it would only use the server certificate when configuring Apache. It
>>> not impact functionality though.
>>> This is not true for CPVM, which would try to use the full chain.
>>> It was fixed in 4.3, along with removing a double decoding of
>>> when uploaded through API. The double decoding issue would manifest as
>>> non-server certificates to be saved incorrectly in the DB, and hence
>>> wanted to take a look at the table's contents. Since CPVM uses the full
>>> chain but not SSVM, I suspect this might be your issue.
>>> For the systemvm.iso - did you rebuild the ISO from source?
>>> It gets patched automatically in 4.3 for XS, but 4.2 had a versioning
>>> issue due to which it didn't change automatically.
>>> For KVM, the ISO gets patched when you reinstall the agent package.
>>> For Vmware, one needs to remove the old ISO from secondary storage
>>> (under <path_to_secstorage>/systemvm/ I think) so that the new one gets
>>> applied.
>>> HTH
>>> Amogh
>>> On 10/1/14 9:51 AM, "Rohit Yadav" <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Amogh,
>>>> I’ve a different issue, CPVM is opening the console but the HTTP
>>>> is returning old *.realhostip.com certificate.
>>>> I debugged CPVM agent to find that it’s not picking up the keystore
>>>> from Management server. This issue is like:
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-3438
>>>> In the logs (from CPVM), I’m only seeing "Initializing SSL from
>>>> default certificate”. Reading source from
>>>> ConsoleProxySecureServerFactoryImpl, this means the agent is starting
>>>> is not getting any StartConsoleProxyAgentHttpHandlerCommand with new
>>>> KeyStore data. I’ve tested this only for 4.2, Paul suggests something
>>>> similar for 4.3 as well.
>>>> I’ve one root certificate (id=1), two intermediate certificate (id=2,
>>>> id=3) and a wildcard domain cert+key. I uploaded them one by one as
>>>> the docs and also following Chip’s blog. By doing so, the SSVM keys
>>>> updated and by downloading an ISO I see the https url it gave returned
>>>> correct SSL certificate which means the chain of certificates etc.
>>>> In case of CPVM, accessing console in browser led to SSL error. Do you
>>>> may any suggestions on how to get this fixed? If I remove CPVMs, I see
>>>> it’s still using old systemvm.iso and though docs/wiki recommend
>>>> systemvm.iso will get patched, it does not actually.
>>>> On 01-Oct-2014, at 6:32 pm, Amogh Vasekar <amogh.vase...@citrix.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> For 4.2 you may want to refer here :
>>>>> if
>>>>> icate-chains-in-cloudstack.html
>>>>> 4.3 had a missing commit, due to which the global config
>>>>> consoleproxy.url.domain had to be set to "mydomain.com", instead of
>>>>> "*.mydomain.com". This has been fixed in 4.3.1
>>>>> Apologies for the inconvenience.
>>>>> Amogh
>>>>> On 10/1/14 8:16 AM, "Rohit Yadav" <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Just to update on the certificate upload issue with 4.2:
>>>>>> I’m able to download and add new volumes/templates/isos and the link
>>>>>> provided has a valid https url with the same certificate that I
>>>>>> uploaded
>>>>>> though when I try to access the console I get SSL cert error and I
>>>>>> that it’s still returning the old *.realhostip.com certificate. I’ve
>>>>>> tried to delete old CPVMs and I see the same issue coming up again.
>>>>>> On 01-Oct-2014, at 4:55 pm, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I’ve fixed cloudmonkey to url encode parameters so now you can use
>>>>>>> cloudmonkey to upload custom certificate but only in
>>>>>>> mode on shell (bash/zsh). You’ll have to install cloudmonkey from
>>>>>>> source
>>>>>>> for now since the fix is only on master.
>>>>>>> Something like:
>>>>>>> $ cloudmonkey upload customcertificate id=xx domainsuffix=yy
>>>>>>> certificate=‘asdf
>>>>>>> asdfasdf
>>>>>>> asdfasdf
>>>>>>> asdf---'
>>>>>>> I’ve some issues to report while replacing certificates to get rid
>>>>>>> realhostip, this is specific for Xen could apply for other
>>>>>>> as well:
>>>>>>> - In case of 4.2, I see in the database that seq is 0 for the root
>>>>>>> certificate for the realhostip.com domain. I uploaded certificates
>>>>>>> order (root, then intermediate and finally SSL cert from UI), and I
>>>>>>> see
>>>>>>> the old certificate is still there. after CPVM/SSVM restarts and
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> UP state I still get SSL errors and I see that systemvm.iso is not
>>>>>>> getting patched. How to fix this? Or force systemvm.iso patching?
>>>>>>> - In case of 4.3.0 and above, I see the same issue. I’m confused
>>>>>>> whether to use *. wildcard in global setting or not.
>>>>>>> On 27-Sep-2014, at 9:32 pm, Amogh Vasekar
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> For the encoding, in your case it was the space character causing
>>>>>>>> issue - it should be replaced by %20. The correct encoding would
>>>>>>>> (hoping mail clients don't screw up the blob):
>>>>>>>> EB
>>>>>>>> BQU
>>>>>>>> F4
>>>>>>>> IFN
>>>>>>>> Ix
>>>>>>>> MDQ
>>>>>>>> UE
>>>>>>>> %0A
>>>>>>>> CA
>>>>>>>> QEA
>>>>>>>> Ln
>>>>>>>> Tjo
>>>>>>>> XL
>>>>>>>> VDv
>>>>>>>> Xu
>>>>>>>> pGc
>>>>>>>> w8
>>>>>>>> HHa
>>>>>>>> Wv
>>>>>>>> k%2
>>>>>>>> 1U
>>>>>>>> dDg
>>>>>>>> B%
>>>>>>>> 2Fw
>>>>>>>> jc
>>>>>>>> mxz
>>>>>>>> 0c
>>>>>>>> HM6
>>>>>>>> BB
>>>>>>>> QUA
>>>>>>>> FW
>>>>>>>> Dom
>>>>>>>> 4M
>>>>>>>> 26x
>>>>>>>> TI
>>>>>>>> FIC
>>>>>>>> ATE-----
>>>>>>>> As for the global parameter, you can set it to something like a
>>>>>>>> seconds and reset to original value when the URLs have been
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Amogh
>>>>>>>> On 9/27/14 10:53 AM, "Indra Pramana" <in...@sg.or.id> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Wido,
>>>>>>>>> I have changed the value of secstorage.ssl.cert.domain and
>>>>>>>>> management server, before I start uploading all the certificates.
>>>>>>>>> I found this article, which might be related to the problem:
>>>>>>>>> g+
>>>>>>>>> -+u
>>>>>>>>> ====
>>>>>>>>> *Specific Issues seen*
>>>>>>>>> 1. Download urls point to the old domain.
>>>>>>>>> 1. Reduce the expiration duration of the urls by changing global
>>>>>>>>> config extract.url.expiration.interval
>>>>>>>>> 2. And change the frequency for cleanup thread
>>>>>>>>> through extract.url.cleanup.interval restart MS.
>>>>>>>>> 3. Wait for the cleanup thread duration and try downloading
>>>>>>>>> See whether the url is deleted.
>>>>>>>>> 4. DB tables to check (don¹t recommend but worst case)
>>>>>>>>> Version < 4.2 ­ upload table persists url. Entry is hard deleted
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> expiration of url.
>>>>>>>>> Version >= 4.2 ­
>>>>>>>>> template_store_ref, download_url is made null on expiration of
>>>>>>>>> url.
>>>>>>>>> volume_store_ref, entry hard deleted on expiration of url.
>>>>>>>>> ====
>>>>>>>>> But I'm not too sure what is the recommended values I need to set
>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>> extract.url.expiration.interval and extract.url.cleanup.interval.
>>>>>>>>> Any
>>>>>>>>> advise?
>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 1:39 AM, Wido den Hollander
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Op 27 sep. 2014 om 19:25 heeft Indra Pramana <in...@sg.or.id>
>>>>>>>>>> volgende geschreven:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>> FYI, I managed to complete the tasks and install the
>>>>>>>>>>> As
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>> workaround to the unable to upload the root/intermediate cert
>>>>>>>>>>> API
>>>>>>>>>>> issue, I uploaded a certificate with just "BEGIN" as text via
>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>>>>> proceed to update the keystore table on the MySQL database
>>>>>>>>>>> directly
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> input the whole cert.
>>>>>>>>>>> It seems to be working, after I uploaded the cert and private
>>>>>>>>>>> via
>>>>>>>>>> GUI,
>>>>>>>>>>> I can see that both CPVM and SSVM are being restarted. When I
>>>>>>>>>>> test:
>>>>>>>>>>> - Console is working, using my own domain now. Yay! :)
>>>>>>>>>>> - However, when I try to test downloading a template, it's
>>>>>>>>>> showing
>>>>>>>>>>> realhostip.com as the URL to download. I have tried destroying
>>>>>>>>>> SSVM
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>> a new SSVM was created, up and running. However, it's still
>>>>>>>>>>> showing
>>>>>>>>>>> realhostip.com when I test again.
>>>>>>>>>>> Anyone knows why it's still referring to realhostip.com for
>>>>>>>>>> downloading
>>>>>>>>>>> templates?
>>>>>>>>>> Look at the global settings. There is a domain for the sec
>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>>>> well.
>>>>>>>>>> Maybe restart the mgmt server?
>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 12:49 AM, Indra Pramana
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Apologise for sending quite a lot of emails tonight. Anyone
>>>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>>>>> safe for me to update the keystore table on the database
>>>>>>>>>>>> directly?
>>>>>>>>>> Since
>>>>>>>>>>>> the API call doesn't work.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 12:39 AM, Indra Pramana
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Only if I key in the certificate as "BEGIN", then it seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> accepting. But of course, the certificate is invalid.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <uploadcustomcertificateresponse cloud-stack-version="4.2.0">
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <jobid>1efe722a-e7c7-4c43-9f6b-67ce860dbe34</jobid>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> </uploadcustomcertificateresponse>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it my browser issue? I have tried using two different
>>>>>>>>>>>>> browsers:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Firefox and Chrome, and both are having the same problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 12:36 AM, Indra Pramana
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <in...@sg.or.id>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to key in just "BEGIN CERTIFICATE\nEND CERTIFICATE"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "-----" and the content of the certificate itself. Same
>>>>>>>>>> persists,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it says parameter certificate is invalid, contains illegal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ASCII
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-printable characters.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <uploadcustomcertificateresponse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <errorcode>431</errorcode>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <cserrorcode>9999</cserrorcode>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <errortext>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Received value BEGIN CERTIFICATE END CERTIFICATE for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> certificate is invalid, contains illegal ASCII non-printable
>>>>>>>>>> characters
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </errortext>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </uploadcustomcertificateresponse>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seems the issue was not actually on the certificate itself,
>>>>>>>>>> may be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the API call handler?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any advice is greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 11:35 PM, Indra Pramana
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <in...@sg.or.id>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Amogh and all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To add, I am using RapidSSL and I got the root and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intermediate
>>>>>>>>>> CAs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from here:
>>>>>>>>>> ?p
>>>>>>>>>> age
>>>>>>>>>> =content&actp=CROSSLINK&id=SO26457
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have ensured that the encoding is done correctly, but
>>>>>>>>>> there's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue when I tried to upload it. Is it because I am still
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using
>>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.2.0, may be there's a different method on how to upload?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error messages:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <uploadcustomcertificateresponse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <errorcode>431</errorcode>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <cserrorcode>9999</cserrorcode>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <errortext>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Received value -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> w
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> u
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> z
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> m
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> g
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> O
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> v
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> B
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> L
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> W
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b8ravHNjkOR/ez4iyz0H7V84dJzjA1BOoa+Y7mHyhD8S -----END
>>>>>>>>>> CERTIFICATE----- for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameter certificate is invalid, contains illegal ASCII
>>>>>>>>>> non-printable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> characters
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </errortext>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> </uploadcustomcertificateresponse>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any advice is greatly appreciated, since 30 Sep is just
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> another
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> days...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 11:21 PM, Indra Pramana
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <in...@sg.or.id>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Amogh,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried again tonight, still the same. Not too sure why,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something wrong with the certificate? But I have confirmed
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> it's the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> correct root certificate from my CA.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any other advice?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 12:56 AM, Amogh Vasekar <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> amogh.vase...@citrix.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you try using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Amogh
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 9/22/14 4:36 AM, "Indra Pramana" <in...@sg.or.id>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am following the instruction on this documentation to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> replace
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> realhostip.com with my own domain.
>>>>>>>>>> Re
>>>>>>>>>> pla
>>>>>>>>>> c
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> e+realhostip.com+with+Your+Own+Domain+Name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Everything is fine until I need to upload the root
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> certificate
>>>>>>>>>> via
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> API. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have URL-encoded the certificate using online URL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tool
>>>>>>>>>> such
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.url-encode-decode.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, when I run the API command, the certificate is
>>>>>>>>>> rejected,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> saying
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that it contains illegal ASCII non-printable characters:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for parameter certificate is invalid, contains illegal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ASCII
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> non-printable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> characters
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have ensured and verified that it only contains
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ASCII
>>>>>>>>>> text
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> format, no space, symbol etc. Tried using UTF-8,
>>>>>>>>>> format
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encoding, but still cannot work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any advice is greatly appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Rohit Yadav
>>>>>>> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
>>>>>>> M. +41 779015219 | rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
>>>>>>> Blog: bhaisaab.org | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
>>>>>>> Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related
>>>>>>> services
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>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Rohit Yadav
>>>>>> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
>>>>>> M. +41 779015219 | rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
>>>>>> Blog: bhaisaab.org | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
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>>>> Regards,
>>>> Rohit Yadav
>>>> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
>>>> M. +41 779015219 | rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
>>>> Blog: bhaisaab.org | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
>>>> Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related
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>> Regards,
>> Rohit Yadav
>> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
>> M. +41 779015219 | rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
>> Blog: bhaisaab.org | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
>> Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related
>> IaaS Cloud Design &
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>Rohit Yadav
>Software Architect, ShapeBlue
>M. +41 779015219 | rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com
>Blog: bhaisaab.org | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
>Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related services
>IaaS Cloud Design &
>CSForge ­ rapid IaaS deployment framework<http://shapeblue.com/csforge/>
>CloudStack Consulting<http://shapeblue.com/cloudstack-consultancy/>
>CloudStack Infrastructure
>CloudStack Bootcamp Training
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