
Configuration : Cloudstack 4.3.0. with two management servers (named 1 and 2) 
behind a LVS with a configured charge of 100/1 for server1/server2 (direct 

Since two days, we have a login problem on server 1. The login pages load 
correctly. But after typing the correct password (local or LDAP one) the 
browser hangs.
The first occurrence, two days ago. We restart the management server and the 
problem went away. Today, we cannot anymore use the server 1 and we have to 
user the server 2.
Both servers are to our knowledge identical. And no change neither have been 
done on the infrastructure configuration.

Is anybody here has experienced a such problem or have any clue ?

The server ran for many weeks without any outage like this until now.

apilog.log when we have recurring events :
2014-10-17 09:05:44,446 INFO  [a.c.c.a.ApiServer] 
(http-6443-exec-442:ctx-8a23b456) -- GET 
command=listCapabilities&response=json&sessionkey=null&_=1413529544423 401 
unable to verify user credentials
But we have also the same INFO message on the working server.

Catalina.out :

2014-10-17 09:42:22,888 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet] 
(http-6443-exec-467:ctx-86fe168f) ===START=== -- POST
2014-10-17 09:42:22,891 DEBUG [c.c.u.AccountManagerImpl] 
(http-6443-exec-467:ctx-86fe168f) Attempting to log in user: jf in domain 1
2014-10-17 09:42:22,892 DEBUG [c.c.s.a.SHA256SaltedUserAuthenticator] 
(http-6443-exec-467:ctx-86fe168f) Retrieving user: jf
2014-10-17 09:42:22,900 DEBUG [c.c.u.AccountManagerImpl] 
(http-6443-exec-467:ctx-86fe168f) User: jf in domain 1 has successfully logged 

But browser's stucked...

Thank you


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