Hi, Vadim,
  We have to use 2 NICs on the management server as we want to hide the
cloudstack cluster behind the 10.* network, so all KVM hosts and guest VMs
are in the 192.168.0.* subnet, and they connect to the management server's
internal NIC( Is it a rule that the management server can
only use one NIC? And the KVM hypersior host can reach the internet and
download packages, but SSVM running on it could not see the internet.


2014-11-18 3:20 GMT-06:00 Vadim Kimlaychuk <vadim.kimlayc...@elion.ee>:

> Hello Dan,
>         It seems there is something wrong with your network setup and here
> are some places to search:
> 1. Why your management server has 2 NICs?  It should not work as NAT,
> proxy or any kind of switch - keep this in mind.
> 2. SSVM normally has to have 3 interfaces (at least). One -- with public
> IP, one -- management network IP and one -- link local IP. If you have
> separate storage network -- it may have one more, but this is not your
> case. Check routing table for your SSVM with "route -n" command. Find your
> default gateway. It should be public interface.
> 3. Did you set up KVM hypervisor network correctly? Does it have 2
> interfaces like in the setup guide? Does your hypervisor have access to
> internet to be able to download template?
> Vadim.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Dong [mailto:dongda...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 7:02 PM
> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
> Subject: To let SSVM reach outside network.
> Hi, All,
>   I found I could not register my ISO image to the cloudstack( through URL
> of http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04.1/ubuntu-14.04.1-server-amd64.iso).
> The SSVM is running and health check show no problems on it. But it just
> could not see the outside network, although SSVM is on the same network as
> KVM host, i.e. 192.168.0.*. My setup is as following:
> Management Server external NIC:10.*
> Management Server internal NIC:
> KVM host NIC:
> guest VMs are all in 192.168.0.*/24 network.
> From SSVM I can ping the internal IP of the Management Server at
>, but could not ping the external IP of it at 10.*.
> From KVM host itself I can reach the outside internet as NAT is configured
> on the Management Server to let the traffic through. Any hints
> how to let SSVM to reach the internet?
> Cheers,
> Dan

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