On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Rohit Yadav <rohit.ya...@shapeblue.com> wrote:
> The 4.4 branch does not contain many bugfixes which are in 4.3 and on 
> master/4.5.

That is worrying, Rohit. As the rest of your mail is already a vote of
distrust, this part says we should not release 4.4.2 as it contains
regressions. This is a very bad signal to users and the rest of the
community. What you are saying is (you in transitive form), 'we won't
port fixes to 4.4 but only to 4.3 so upgrade to newer 4.3 versions and
not to a 4.4 version. You have the right to do so but I don't like it.
Fortunately, I met people at CCCEU stating that 4.4 was working
perfectly for them. Unfortunately an incompatibility seldom is just
for- or backward. Most of the time it is two way. Will you support
transitioning from 4.4 to 4.5 as rigorously as you now discourage the
transition to 4.4? I think you will need to.


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