On Tue, May 19, 2015 at 1:17 PM, cs user <acldstk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Looking at this page:
> https://cloudstack.apache.org/api/apidocs-4.4/root_admin/listSystemVms.html
> There doesn't seem to be a way to return the "Agent State", which you can
> see when logging into the cloudstack webui, and browsing to the systemvm
> view.
> Is there a way to query the systemvm agent status via the api?

Agent state is part of the listHost api call.

The webui is API based, so anything you can do in the webui you can do with
the API.
A tip is to look with developer tools or similar in your browser what calls
are being made if you are unsure.


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