if this setup does not contain any production data promote plan-B to
A-status. As this is a very small env I would otherwise safe the data
and continue with the previous step. Let us know if there is any
reason this should not be convenient.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 3:54 PM, gagan chhabra <gagan.13031...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been given an already set-up Cloud stack environment with 6 hosts (2
> clusters with 3 hosts each) ,1 management server and one NFS storage as
> primary storage. So in total there are 8 physical machines (6 hosts + 1
> cloudstack-mgmt-server + 1 NFS:13TBytes). Management server's storage space
> is used as secondary storage.
> I just have one host up and running in cluster-2 and there is no host
> working in cluster-1. People who worked before me, may have messed up with
> persistent tier changing values of states, status for hosts,vms,storage etc
> for their testing administering the cloudstack-setup . So now Admin UI
> always shows error in notifications area, unable to change state to
> maintenance, cannot expunge vms, cannot  create VMs and what not.
> *One major issue is for primary storage, used_bytes in storage_pool table
> is set to high value in MySQL database but on admin-dashboard it shows
> 540GB used(total capacity being 13TB). So while creating VMs, insufficient
> capacity error is encountered. *
> Any suggestion where to start for this? Doing everything from the scratch
> will be plan-B.
> Gagandeep S. Chhabra
> Mob: +91 97049 28427


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