Ilya that is interesting.
By multiple CloudStack environments, you mean environments that do not have
any link between them? I mean, they are not “regions” of one another or
something like that.

Do you intend to manage configurations such as over-provisioning factors,
allocation threshold, Wait timeouts and others? What else do you look
forward to manage?

I understand the point that now your employer may not want to open it; but,
maybe in the future ;)

We have some other questions here:
For instance, the balancing of VMs workloads in the cloud environment; of
course,  one can extend the CloudStack allocation algorithms and try to
place VMs in a balancing manner. However, that would just be based on the
resource allocation. I believe that the balancing/dispersion of VMs should
also consider the resource usage. The problem is that Cloud computing is a
rather dynamic environment; workloads can change their pattern of resource
usage all the time. Therefore, executing the VMs balancing only at the
deploy time would not be the best option. Maybe some agents that work
autonomously managing the environment would be a better approach. We also
have the size of such environments as a huge challenge; the agent would no
be able to gather information, analyse it and then act upon the environment
at once. It would be better to act upon pieces of the environment at time

Another example is the number of idle hosts in cloud environments. Giving
the dynamic nature of the cloud, sometimes the load is pretty high while
other times it is pretty low. For example, in my environment (right now)
the allocation ratio of memory is 91% and CPU 94%. However, there are at
least 5-6 months a year that we have ratios below 60%. That means that we
have idle servers wasting energy and cooling. Again we have the same
problem, a dynamic environment in which we never know for sure when a load
is coming. For this solution, an agent that constantly acts on the
environment would be interesting. This agent could detect unused servers
and power them off; then, if a shortage of resource happens, we could start
deactivated servers. This way we could save some great deal of energy.

Has anyone of you here thought/dealt with such situations? Do you care
about such problems?

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 1:18 PM, ilya <> wrote:

> I started working on another project that will consolidate multiple
> cloudstack into "1" to manage and check the health of the dispersed
> cloudstack environments. Conceptually, anything i do through "CloudStack
> Manager" would be replayed down to all other dispersed cloudstacks
> across the globe.
> It would be relatively easy to write "CloudStack Manager" since
> cloudstack is API driven via Rest-like interface.
> Unfortunately, i don't believe my employer would let me open source this
> project, though i will try.
> On 4/11/16 8:44 AM, Gabriel Beims Bräscher wrote:
> > Dear Apache CloudStack users,
> >
> > I have been discussing with some colleagues about solutions that can help
> > us to manage our Apache CloudStack (ACS) environments. By management I
> > mean, dealing with service level agreements (SLAs), management of idle
> > hosts, the balancing of the environment's virtual machine loads, and the
> > monitoring and tracking of resource usage (not only allocation).
> >
> > Have you guys dealt with those situations and any other that you would
> > consider as a day-to-day management situation? How did you work them out?
> >
> > It would be helpful to hear back your thoughts.
> >
> > Thanks for your time,
> > Gabriel.
> >

Rafael Weingärtner

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