On 29 August 2016 at 21:06, Pierre-Luc Dion <pd...@cloudops.com> wrote:

> Does the management server can ssh on the kvm server?

Yes it can.

[root@master ~]# ssh
root@'s password:
Last login: Mon Aug 29 21:44:20 2016 from master
[root@node1 ~]#

On 29 August 2016 at 21:06, Pierre-Luc Dion <pd...@cloudops.com> wrote:

> Does the kvm server can tcp connect on the mgt server port 8250?

Yes it can:

[root@node1 ~]# nc -z 8250
Connection to 8250 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

On 29 August 2016 at 21:33, Simon Weller <swel...@ena.com> wrote:

> Can you place the agent in debug mode and post the output?

Sure, here's the log output:

2016-08-29 21:50:18,650 INFO  [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Agent started
2016-08-29 21:50:18,653 INFO  [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Implementation Version is 4.9.0
2016-08-29 21:50:18,654 INFO  [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
agent.properties found at /etc/cloudstack/agent/agent.properties
2016-08-29 21:50:18,660 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: guest.network.device
2016-08-29 21:50:18,660 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: workers
2016-08-29 21:50:18,660 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: private.network.device
2016-08-29 21:50:18,660 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: port
2016-08-29 21:50:18,660 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: resource
2016-08-29 21:50:18,661 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: pod
2016-08-29 21:50:18,661 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: zone
2016-08-29 21:50:18,661 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: guid
2016-08-29 21:50:18,661 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: hypervisor.type
2016-08-29 21:50:18,661 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: cluster
2016-08-29 21:50:18,661 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: public.network.device
2016-08-29 21:50:18,661 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: local.storage.uuid
2016-08-29 21:50:18,661 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: domr.scripts.dir
2016-08-29 21:50:18,662 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: host
2016-08-29 21:50:18,662 INFO  [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Defaulting to using properties file for storage
2016-08-29 21:50:18,664 INFO  [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Defaulting to the constant time backoff algorithm
2016-08-29 21:50:18,681 INFO  [cloud.utils.LogUtils] (main:null) (logid:)
log4j configuration found at /etc/cloudstack/agent/log4j-cloud.xml
2016-08-29 21:50:18,697 INFO  [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Using default Java settings for IPv6 preference for agent connection
2016-08-29 21:50:18,697 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Checking to see if agent.pid exists.
2016-08-29 21:50:18,706 DEBUG [cloud.utils.ProcessUtil] (main:null)
(logid:) Executing: bash -c echo $PPID
2016-08-29 21:50:18,712 DEBUG [cloud.utils.ProcessUtil] (main:null)
(logid:) Execution is successful.
2016-08-29 21:50:18,768 INFO  [cloud.agent.Agent] (main:null) (logid:) id is
2016-08-29 21:50:18,769 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: cloudbr0
2016-08-29 21:50:18,776 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: cloudbr0
2016-08-29 21:50:18,777 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: null
2016-08-29 21:50:18,777 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: null
2016-08-29 21:50:18,780 WARN  [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Incorrect details for private Nic during
initialization of ServerResourceBase
2016-08-29 21:50:18,780 ERROR [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Unable to start agent: Unable to configure LibvirtComputingResource

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