I found the problem that was causing the issue. I access the cloudstack servers via a network that I want to be completely separate and unknown to the cloudstack deployment. I am using one server as both management and agent in this test. So my nic setup looks like this:

 * bond0 : an untagged bonded interface tied to cloudbr0
 * bond0.3 : tagged interface for vlan 3 with static ip
 * cloudbr0 : ethernet bridge to the untagged bond0

When I try to add the host it fails giving an error:
Unable to configure LibvirtComputingResource
and complaining about the private nic being incorrect

When I look in agent.properties I noticed that the host value automatically gets set to which is not routable on cloudbr0. If I manually set it to the proper host ip and then run cloudstack-setup-agent from a terminal the host is added properly and works.

Matthew Smart
Smart Software Solutions Inc.
108 S Pierre St.
Pierre, SD 57501

Phone: (605) 280-0383
Skype: msmart13
Email: msm...@smartsoftwareinc.com

On 09/06/2016 07:42 PM, Matthew Smart wrote:
Did this error end up in a bug report in Jira? I have just ran into the exact same issue testing an advanced network where public, private, and guest networks are assigned the same bridge. I am going to reload my test nodes tomorrow to make sure it is not the result of something left over from previous tests but the fact that the exact errors are being logged by another user is not encouraging.

Matthew Smart
Smart Software Solutions Inc.
108 S Pierre St.
Pierre, SD 57501

Phone: (605) 280-0383
Skype: msmart13
Email: msm...@smartsoftwareinc.com

On 08/29/2016 10:39 PM, Simon Weller wrote:
Sorry, I wasn't clear...I meant change your interfaces by removing the vlans so the bridges show just the interface name.

Simon Weller/ENA
(615) 312-6068

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cenile [jcenile1...@gmail.com]
Received: Monday, 29 Aug 2016, 8:32PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org [users@cloudstack.apache.org]
Subject: Re: Incorrect details for private Nic

Unfortunately that didn't fix it either, it looks like they just change
straight back to "cloudbr0":

[root@node1 ~]# tail -n 3 /etc/cloudstack/agent/agent.properties

2016-08-30 12:28:50,924 INFO [cloud.agent.Agent] (main:null) (logid:) id is
2016-08-30 12:28:50,924 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: cloudbr0
2016-08-30 12:28:50,932 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: cloudbr0
2016-08-30 12:28:50,932 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: null
2016-08-30 12:28:50,932 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: null
2016-08-30 12:28:50,935 WARN [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Incorrect details for private Nic during
initialization of ServerResourceBase
2016-08-30 12:28:50,935 ERROR [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Unable to start agent: Unable to configure LibvirtComputingResource

[root@node1 ~]# service cloudstack-agent status
cloudstack-agent dead but subsys locked

Thanks for your help so far, do you have any other suggestions? The next
thing I was going to try was downgrading to 4.8 and trying that version.

On 30 August 2016 at 00:40, Simon Weller <swel...@ena.com> wrote:

I'd suspect changing the sub ints to native ports will fix this as well. That might be a better approach so you don't have to mess with the traffic

Traveling today, so if my responses are a bit slow, it's because I'm on a

Simon Weller/ENA
(615) 312-6068

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cenile [jcenile1...@gmail.com]
Received: Monday, 29 Aug 2016, 10:08AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org [users@cloudstack.apache.org]
Subject: Re: Incorrect details for private Nic

I just tried this, unfortunately that didn't solve it. I was under the
impression that the master replaced the interface names in that file with cloudbr0 / cloudbr1? When I check the file again, those interface names are

Here are the logs (notice on the second attempt, the interface names
changed back):

[root@node1 ~]# tail -f /var/log/cloudstack/agent/agent.log
2016-08-30 00:06:34,789 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Checking to see if agent.pid exists.
2016-08-30 00:06:34,798 DEBUG [cloud.utils.ProcessUtil] (main:null)
(logid:) Executing: bash -c echo $PPID
2016-08-30 00:06:34,803 DEBUG [cloud.utils.ProcessUtil] (main:null)
(logid:) Execution is successful.
2016-08-30 00:06:34,853 INFO [cloud.agent.Agent] (main:null) (logid:) id
2016-08-30 00:06:34,853 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: eth0.200
2016-08-30 00:06:34,856 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: eth0.200
2016-08-30 00:06:34,856 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: null
2016-08-30 00:06:34,856 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: null
2016-08-30 00:06:34,859 WARN [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Incorrect details for private Nic during
initialization of ServerResourceBase
2016-08-30 00:06:34,859 ERROR [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Unable to start agent: Unable to configure LibvirtComputingResource

2016-08-30 00:07:29,905 INFO [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Agent started
2016-08-30 00:07:29,907 INFO [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Implementation Version is 4.9.0
2016-08-30 00:07:29,909 INFO [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
agent.properties found at /etc/cloudstack/agent/agent.properties
2016-08-30 00:07:29,914 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: guest.network.device
2016-08-30 00:07:29,914 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: workers
2016-08-30 00:07:29,914 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: private.network.device
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: port
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: resource
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: pod
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: zone
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: guid
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: hypervisor.type
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: cluster
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: public.network.device
2016-08-30 00:07:29,915 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: local.storage.uuid
2016-08-30 00:07:29,916 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: domr.scripts.dir
2016-08-30 00:07:29,916 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Found property: host
2016-08-30 00:07:29,916 INFO [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Defaulting to using properties file for storage
2016-08-30 00:07:29,918 INFO [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Defaulting to the constant time backoff algorithm
2016-08-30 00:07:29,935 INFO [cloud.utils.LogUtils] (main:null) (logid:)
log4j configuration found at /etc/cloudstack/agent/log4j-cloud.xml
2016-08-30 00:07:29,951 INFO [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Using default Java settings for IPv6 preference for agent connection
2016-08-30 00:07:29,951 DEBUG [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Checking to see if agent.pid exists.
2016-08-30 00:07:29,959 DEBUG [cloud.utils.ProcessUtil] (main:null)
(logid:) Executing: bash -c echo $PPID
2016-08-30 00:07:29,964 DEBUG [cloud.utils.ProcessUtil] (main:null)
(logid:) Execution is successful.
2016-08-30 00:07:30,020 INFO [cloud.agent.Agent] (main:null) (logid:) id
2016-08-30 00:07:30,021 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: cloudbr0
2016-08-30 00:07:30,028 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: cloudbr0
2016-08-30 00:07:30,029 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: null
2016-08-30 00:07:30,029 DEBUG [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Retrieving network interface: null
2016-08-30 00:07:30,031 WARN [cloud.resource.ServerResourceBase]
(main:null) (logid:) Incorrect details for private Nic during
initialization of ServerResourceBase
2016-08-30 00:07:30,032 ERROR [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:null) (logid:)
Unable to start agent: Unable to configure LibvirtComputingResource

On 29 August 2016 at 22:47, Simon Weller <swel...@ena.com> wrote:

Can you edit /etc/cloudstack/agent.properties and try changing the
interfaces from cloudbr0 to your sub int, e.g. eth0.200

Simon Weller/ENA
(615) 312-6068

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cenile [jcenile1...@gmail.com]
Received: Monday, 29 Aug 2016, 7:28AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org [users@cloudstack.apache.org]
Subject: Re: Incorrect details for private Nic

On 29 August 2016 at 22:16, Simon Weller <swel...@ena.com> wrote:

So, my guess here is that the agent doesn't like the fact you have a
interface plugged into the bridge. This is an advanced network zone,

I haven't actually got that far, but I'm aiming for the Basic network
The guide on CloudStack's website actually recommends this set up
(having a
VLAN interface plugged into the bridge).

For a testing setup, that will never have production servers on it, how would you recommend setting up the interfaces? Just an eth0 -> cloudbr0
eth1 -> cloudbr1?

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