Hi Melanie,

Have you ruled out that the VM might have been shut down from within the VM 
guest OS itself? 

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 28/03/2017, 14:48, "Melanie Desaive" <m.desa...@heinlein-support.de> wrote:

    Hi all,
    on Sunday we had an issue, because one VM was unexpetedly down. After
    starting the VM in ACS everything worked fine again.
    After investigating I found out the following situation:
    The ACS Logs point out, that ACS received a poweroff report while the VM
    was expected to be running:
    2017-03-26 13:03:38,468 INFO [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
    (DirectAgentCronJob-260:ctx-905a294a) VM i-86-1412-VM is at Running and
    we received a power-off report while there is no pending jobs on it
    2017-03-26 13:03:38,470 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
    (DirectAgentCronJob-260:ctx-905a294a) Seq 28-7473723581621346009:
    Sending { Cmd , MgmtId: 57177340185274, via: 28(acs-compute-6), Ver: v1,
    Flags: 100011,
    2017-03-26 13:03:38,470 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request]
    (DirectAgentCronJob-260:ctx-905a294a) Seq 28-7473723581621346009:
    Executing: { Cmd , MgmtId: 57177340185274, via: 28(acs-compute-6), Ver:
    v1, Flags: 100011,
    2017-03-26 13:03:38,480 DEBUG [c.c.h.x.r.w.x.CitrixStopCommandWrapper]
    (DirectAgent-291:ctx-9b1e2233) 9. The VM i-86-1412-VM is in Stopping state
    The xensource Log on the Compute node indicates, that the machine was
    Mar 26 13:00:10 acs-compute-6 xenopsd:
    [debug|acs-compute-6|1|events|xenops] Received an event on managed VM
    Mar 26 13:00:10 acs-compute-6 xenopsd:
    [debug|acs-compute-6|1|queue|xenops] Queue.push ["VM_check_state",
    "e3bad3f3-c49f-873d-943f-bc8a2af365e0"] onto
    e3bad3f3-c49f-873d-943f-bc8a2af365e0:[  ]
    Mar 26 13:00:10 acs-compute-6 xenopsd: [debug|acs-compute-6|10||xenops]
    Queue.pop returned ["VM_check_state",
    Mar 26 13:00:10 acs-compute-6 xenopsd:
    [debug|acs-compute-6|10|events|xenops] Task 449410 reference events:
    ["VM_check_state", "e3bad3f3-c49f-873d-943f-bc8a2af365e0"]
    Mar 26 13:00:10 acs-compute-6 xenopsd:
    [debug|acs-compute-6|2|xenstore|xenstore_watch] xenstore unwatch
    Mar 26 13:00:10 acs-compute-6 xenstored:  A820862      unwatch
    Mar 26 13:00:10 acs-compute-6 xenstored:  A820862      unwatch
    Mar 26 13:00:10 acs-compute-6 xenopsd:
    [debug|acs-compute-6|10|events|xenops] VM.shutdown
    Unfortunately I am not able to explain, how the VM.shutdown was
    triggered on XenServer side. Are there known situations, when a
    XenServer does trigger a VM shutdown autonomously?
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    Zwangsangaben lt. §35a GmbHG:
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    Geschäftsführer: Peer Heinlein  -- Sitz: Berlin

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