Hi, Victor. They both will be moved automatically to a new host by ACS.

12 июл. 2017 г. 5:23 пользователь "victor" <vic...@ihnetworks.com> написал:

> Hello,
>  I have a cloudstack system with one management server, one nfs server and
> two kvm hypervm host servers. Initially I configured cloudstack  with
> hypervm1, so the system vm  and console proxy gets created in it. Lately I
> have added hypervm2 and created few instances in it. So my doubt is the
> following.
> --------
> 1, If hypervm 1 is down which contain system-vm,console-proxy and
> router-vm, then what will happen.
> 2, If hypervm 1 is down completely and we couldn't make it up, will the
> system vm,console proxy and router vm will be switched to hypervm2
> automatically.  If it is not automatically, then is there any option for
> that.
> ====
> Regards
> Victor

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