Puppet/Chef/Ansible will not help you to optimize the current task of
migrating your servers from AWS to CS, but will reduce you if you have to
do it again in the future. If you have to re-deploy the servers perhaps you
can think about it. Automatic setup also reduces operative tasks, reduces
human error factor, increases QoS, and of course, if you fail, you will do
it in a big way ;)

We use Scalr over AWS and Cloudstack with VMware, and once you have defined
your services with Scalr is easy to re-deploy them on the private cloud, or
on any public cloud providers like AWS, GCE or Azure.

But if you finally find a good way to do it, please don't forget sharing it!

Good luck!

Sebastián Gómez

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 8:11 PM, Imran Ahmed <im...@eaxiom.net> wrote:

> Hi Eric,
> I must thank you for your detailed advice.  I myself am a python lover and
> I
> use Ansible for automation  and DevOps. The issue here is that this aws
> account was being maintained by the customer himself. Now after we designed
> and implemented this CloudStack solution for him, the customer has asked us
> to do the complete shifting of instances  from AWS to his own CloudStack
> that we have setup for him. And that's why here I am to learn from others
> experiences and then device the final strategy and jumpstart the actual
> process.
> Regards,
> Imran
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Green [mailto:eric.lee.gr...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2017 10:18 PM
> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Migrating VMs from AWS to CloudStack
> Not happening unless your instances on Amazon are Centos or some other
> "standard" Linux distribution, not standard Amazon Linux. Amazon Linux is
> its own thing and won't run outside the Amazon ecosphere, and Windows
> instances on AWS don't react well at all to having their hypervisor yanked
> out from under them and a new hypervisor slid under them.
> When I did this recently, I instead set up a Puppet server with a clone of
> the puppetry that set up my AWS instances (my full puppet configuration
> tree
> was in a git repository so that was not a big deal), modified it to set up
> the same software on Centos rather than Amazon Linux (took some slight mods
> because the standard OS packages are slightly different between the two),
> then set up some fresh instances using a template that had puppet
> pre-installed on it and the userdata scripts from my CloudFormation
> templates minus the AWS-specific bits (the userdata scripts are responsible
> for configuring the instances to connect to the puppet server with the
> proper instance type in order to do the final configuration).
> If you are not using a configuration management system like Puppet, Chef,
> or
> Ansible, you're doing things wrong. You've *been* doing things wrong.
> Managing a fleet of virtual machines by hand is not the way to do things in
> the 21st Century.
> > On Sep 7, 2017, at 05:08, Imran Ahmed <im...@eaxiom.net> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> > I have got a task to migrate VMs from AWS to CloudStack  (private cloud)
> .
> > Any ideas to get this done efficiently?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Imran
> >

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