Hi all,

I am currently trying to set up an isolated Networks with redundant
routers in CloudStack 4.9.2, but fail to solve a problem:

Any time I start a virtual machine on the isolated network the virtual
router in the master role looses its service IP on the internal network.
A simple "service keepalived restart" fixes the IP setup.

/var/log/cloud.log on the respective router shows messages, that suggest
the IP is removed on purpose by the script "/opt/cloud/bin/cs/CsAddress.py".

The portion in the log is:

2017-10-21 10:40:44,253  CsHelper.py execute:184 Executing: ip addr show
dev eth0
2017-10-21 10:40:44,265  CsAddress.py is_guest_gateway:657 Checking if
cidr is a gateway for rVPC. IP ==> / device ==> eth0
2017-10-21 10:40:44,266  CsAddress.py is_guest_gateway:660 Interface has
the following gateway ==> None
2017-10-21 10:40:44,277  CsAddress.py delete:676 Removed address from device eth0
2017-10-21 10:40:44,278  CsAddress.py post_config_change:558 Not able to
setup source-nat for a regular router yet

After looking into CsAddress.py I have the impression, that the service
IP is not in the pool of expected IPs for the machine and therefore
deleted. Maybe I missed some configuration parameter, to let CloudStack
know, that it should not remove the service IP?

Can someone give some advice?




Below some data from my configuration that might be helpful:

The network from the API:

melaniedesaive@HS-X201-03 [2001] $ cloudmonkey -p ocl-admin -d json list
networks id=68198cf0-f61f-4dac-9d74-bfa21764717c
projectid=ce960375-6fd2-4e00-add2-9c8a644a24b9 listall=true
  "count": 1,
  "network": [
      "acltype": "Account",
      "broadcastdomaintype": "Vlan",
      "broadcasturi": "vlan://580",
      "canusefordeploy": true,
      "cidr": "",
      "displaynetwork": true,
      "displaytext": "Netz mit finalem Offering HA expliziter Gateway 2",
      "dns1": "",
      "dns2": "",
      "domain": "Temp",
      "domainid": "0a092d9b-b055-4c2f-82e5-4bbd21706273",
      "gateway": "",
      "id": "68198cf0-f61f-4dac-9d74-bfa21764717c",
      "ispersistent": false,
      "issystem": false,
      "name": "Netz mit finalem Offering HA expliziter Gateway 2",
      "netmask": "",
      "networkdomain": "meltest.heinlein-intern.de",
      "networkofferingavailability": "Optional",
      "networkofferingconservemode": true,
      "networkofferingdisplaytext": "Offering for Isolated networks with
Source Nat service enabled HA With redundant Routers",
      "networkofferingid": "4aa7e796-d3f0-4696-89ad-708b956ce9c5",
      "physicalnetworkid": "f7a3527c-b5a9-4e04-9d15-5d22fe3c71f9",
      "project": "Mel Diverses",
      "projectid": "ce960375-6fd2-4e00-add2-9c8a644a24b9",
      "related": "68198cf0-f61f-4dac-9d74-bfa21764717c",
      "restartrequired": false,
      "service": [
          "capability": [
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "RedundantRouter",
              "value": "true"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedSourceNatTypes",
              "value": "peraccount"
          "name": "SourceNat"
          "name": "PortForwarding"
          "capability": [
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "AllowDnsSuffixModification",
              "value": "true"
          "name": "Dns"
          "name": "StaticNat"
          "name": "UserData"
          "capability": [
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "VpnTypes",
              "value": "removeaccessvpn"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedVpnTypes",
              "value": "pptp,l2tp,ipsec"
          "name": "Vpn"
          "capability": [
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "MultipleIps",
              "value": "true"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedTrafficDirection",
              "value": "ingress, egress"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedProtocols",
              "value": "tcp,udp,icmp"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "TrafficStatistics",
              "value": "per public ip"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedEgressProtocols",
              "value": "tcp,udp,icmp, all"
          "name": "Firewall"
          "capability": [
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedStickinessMethods",
\"}],\"description\":\"This is loadbalancer cookie based stickiness
\"}],\"description\":\"This is App session based sticky method. Define
session stickiness on an existing application cookie. It can be used
only for a specific http
\"}],\"description\":\"This is source based Stickiness method, it can be
used for any type of protocol.\"}]"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedLbAlgorithms",
              "value": "roundrobin,leastconn,source"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedProtocols",
              "value": "tcp, udp, tcp-proxy"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "SupportedLBIsolation",
              "value": "dedicated"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "LbSchemes",
              "value": "Public"
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "AutoScaleCounters",
          "name": "Lb"
          "capability": [
              "canchooseservicecapability": false,
              "name": "DhcpAccrossMultipleSubnets",
              "value": "true"
          "name": "Dhcp"
      "specifyipranges": false,
      "state": "Implemented",
      "strechedl2subnet": false,
      "tags": [],
      "traffictype": "Guest",
      "type": "Isolated",
      "vlan": "580",
      "zoneid": "cefbe74a-c906-43b8-8f2e-511cf1a6751d",
      "zonename": "Office"

The network in the database:

mysql> select * from networks where name = "Netz mit finalem Offering HA
expliziter Gateway 2"\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                   id: 264
                 name: Netz mit finalem Offering HA expliziter Gateway 2
                 uuid: 68198cf0-f61f-4dac-9d74-bfa21764717c
         display_text: Netz mit finalem Offering HA expliziter Gateway 2
         traffic_type: Guest
broadcast_domain_type: Vlan
        broadcast_uri: vlan://580
                 mode: Dhcp
  network_offering_id: 34
  physical_network_id: 200
       data_center_id: 1
            guru_name: ExternalGuestNetworkGuru
                state: Implemented
              related: 264
            domain_id: 3
           account_id: 202
                 dns1: NULL
                 dns2: NULL
            guru_data: NULL
           set_fields: 0
             acl_type: Account
       network_domain: meltest.heinlein-intern.de
       reservation_id: a85287c5-fe6a-4027-9033-58e02374660d
           guest_type: Isolated
     restart_required: 0
              created: 2017-10-21 11:20:10
              removed: NULL
    specify_ip_ranges: 0
               vpc_id: NULL
          ip6_gateway: NULL
             ip6_cidr: NULL
         network_cidr: NULL
      display_network: 1
       network_acl_id: NULL
          streched_l2: 0
            redundant: 1
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Heinlein Support GmbH
Linux: Akademie - Support - Hosting

Tel: 030 / 40 50 51 - 0
Fax: 030 / 40 50 51 - 19

Zwangsangaben lt. §35a GmbHG:
HRB 93818 B / Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg,
Geschäftsführer: Peer Heinlein  -- Sitz: Berlin

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