Hi Natalia,

My guess is you have some sort of corruption on your original host. Since the 
management service itself is stateless it’s generally much quicker just 
building a new one than trying to recover the old one.

So my suggestions would be:
- Recover your DB to a dedicated DB host if you haven’t done so already.
- Build a new management server and just point this to the original DB as 
described in 
NOTE: do not use the “–deploy-as” option as this will write a new blank 
database. If you used encryption keys during the original setup you also need 
to specify these.

Once you have these two speaking you should in theory be back up and running 

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London  WC2N 4HSUK

On 16/05/2018, 16:44, "Natalia Costas Lago" <nata...@cesga.es> wrote:

    Dear all,
    For some reason our cloudstack manager died and now we are not able to 
    make it work. Our cloudstack version is 4.9.0.
    We tried to do a clean install of the manager and recover the database 
    from the last backup, but we were not able to recover the service.
    At present we can see in the logs that it almost boot, but at the end we 
    get this error:
    May 16 17:33:51 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: INFO 
    [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (localhost-startStop-1:null) (logid:) 
    Network Manager will run the NetworkGarbageCollector every '600' seconds.
    May 16 17:33:51 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: INFO [c.c.a.ApiServer] 
    (Thread-12:null) (logid:) ApiServer listening on port 8096
    May 16 17:33:51 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: INFO 
    [o.a.c.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl] (localhost-startStop-1:null) 
    (logid:) Start secondary storage vm manager
    May 16 17:33:52 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: log4j:WARN No appenders 
    could be found for logger (com.cloud.utils.db.ConnectionConcierge).
    May 16 17:33:52 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: log4j:WARN Please 
    initialize the log4j system properly.
    May 16 17:33:52 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: log4j:WARN See 
    http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
    May 16 17:34:20 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: Exception in thread 
    "CapacityChecker" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
    May 16 17:34:20 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: at 
    May 16 17:34:20 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: at 
    May 16 17:34:20 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: at 
    May 16 17:34:20 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: Caused by: 
    May 16 17:34:20 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: at 
    May 16 17:34:20 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: at 
    May 16 17:34:20 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: ... 3 more
    May 16 17:34:24 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: Exception in thread 
    "Timer-1" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: 
    May 16 17:34:24 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: at 
    May 16 17:34:24 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: at 
    May 16 17:34:24 cldmanager.srv.cesga.es server: at 
    Any help is appreciated..
    Kind regards,
    NOTA: Para cualquier incidencia/consulta/petición que requiera
    seguimiento por favor enviar a helpdesk_comunicacio...@cesga.es
    Natalia Costas Lago
    Senior Communications Technician
    Galicia Supercomputing Centre (CESGA)
    (CESGA on Twitter  |  CESGA on Facebook)
    Avenida de Vigo, s/n (Campus Vida)
    15705 Santiago de Compostela - SPAIN
    E-mail: nata...@cesga.es
    Cell: +34 981 56 98 10 (ext. 237)
    Fax: +34 981 59 46 16
    Web: https://www.cesga.es/
    [IMPORTANTE] La información contenida en este mensaje y
    sus posibles documentos adjuntos es privada y confidencial
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