Hi Ugo,

I came across the same in 18.04 earlier in the week. Can you try and remove the 
–d option in /etc/default/libvirt-bin?

I.e. line should be just:


I can’t guarantee this but worth a shot. Reboot the host before retrying adding 
it to ACS.

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 09/08/2018, 14:15, "Ugo Vasi" <ugo.v...@procne.it.INVALID> wrote:

    Hi all,
    I'm doing a fresh installation of ACS 4.11 on Ubuntu 16.04 in a KVM test 
    I start the zone creation wizard with advanced zone. When the management 
    try to setup the agent, it fails.
    On the host the setup.log file end with this error:
    DEBUG:root:execute:sudo /usr/sbin/service cloudstack-agent start
    DEBUG:root:Failed to execute:A dependency job for 
    cloudstack-agent.service failed. See 'journalctl -xe' for details.
    Doing 'journalctl -xe' command I see that libvirtd return an error 
    (Failed to acquire pid) so the agent setup don't work:
    -- Unit libvirt-bin.service has begun starting up.
    Aug 09 14:49:47 p01upsx libvirtd[5309]: libvirt version: 1.3.1, package: 
    1ubuntu10.24 (Marc Deslauriers <marc.deslauri...@ubuntu.com> Wed, 23 May 
    2018 13:29:29 -0400)
    Aug 09 14:49:47 p01upsx libvirtd[5309]: hostname: p01upsx
    Aug 09 14:49:47 p01upsx libvirtd[5307]: /usr/sbin/libvirtd: error: 
    Unable to obtain pidfile. Check /var/log/messages or run without 
    --daemon for more info.
    Aug 09 14:49:47 p01upsx libvirtd[5309]: Failed to acquire pid file 
    '/var/run/libvirtd.pid': Resource temporarily unavailable
    Aug 09 14:49:47 p01upsx systemd[1]: libvirt-bin.service: Main process 
    exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
    Aug 09 14:49:47 p01upsx systemd[1]: Failed to start Virtualization daemon.
    -- Subject: Unit libvirt-bin.service has failed
    I see that there is an instance of  "/usr/sbin/libvirtd -d -l" that does 
    not stop even giving the command "/etc/init.d/libvirt-bin stop".
    Do you have an idea of why libvirtd gives this problem?
    *Ugo Vasi* / System Administrator
    ugo.v...@procne.it <mailto:ugo.v...@procne.it>
    *Procne S.r.l.*
    +39 0432 486 523
    via Cotonificio, 45
    33010 Tavagnacco (UD)
    www.procne.it <http://www.procne.it/>
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