Simon - thanks for the reminder re VM snapshots - I think you've actually told 
me in the past as well.

Asai - a VM snapshot remains on primary storage and is there for the purpose of 
rolling a VM back to a previous timestamp, and it is not available for 
Volume snapshots are copied to secondary storage for the purpose of downloading 
by end user - but these are handled on a per volume basis.

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 22/08/2018, 17:23, "Asai" <> wrote:

    Thank you for your responses,
    What’s the difference, then, between a "VM" snapshot and a "VOLUME" 
snapshot?  I liked how in XenServer, you could export a whole VM by first 
taking a snapshot.  This was great for disaster recovery backup, is there a way 
to do something similar in Cloudstack?

Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK

> On Aug 22, 2018, at 8:51 AM, Simon Weller <> wrote:
    > Make sure you have kvm.snapshot.enabled set to true in Global Settings. 
This setting change will probably require a management server restart.
    > - Si
    > ________________________________
    > From: Asai <>
    > Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 10:44 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: KVM Live Snapshots
    > Greetings,
    > We successfully upgraded to 4.11.1.  One of the main reasons we did this 
was that we thought this would enable us to do live KVM snapshots of running 
VMs.  This doesn’t seem to be the case, though.  When I try to snapshot a 
running VM, I just get the message: "KVM VM does not allow to take a disk-only 
snapshot when VM is in running state"
    > Is there a way currently to do this with Cloudstack and KVM VMs?
    > Asai

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