Hi Greg,

Thanks for sharing and for all the effort you and your team did towards the 
CCM. The CloudStack lb support was marked deprecated in the k8s repo recently 
eventually to be removed. Having an alternative CCM/plugin that works with 
latest k8s and CloudStack will ensure users won't see a regression.

- Rohit


From: Riepl, Gregor (SWISS TXT) <gregor.ri...@swisstxt.ch>
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2018 4:44:30 PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Kubernetes Cloudstack Cloud Controller Manager

Hi all,

with the more-or-less recent decision to factor all cloud-controller-
managers out of the Kubernetes core [1], we decided to fork the
existing code into a new project: [2]

As written here [3], the migration to standalone CCMs is still ongoing
and marked as beta in Kubernetes 1.13.

This CCM also includes some bug fixes and improvements that were not
accepted into k8s due to the deprecation.

If you use Kubernetes on Cloudstack and would like to have better
Cloudstack integration, please give it a spin!
We've only done some limited testing in-house so far, so any bug
reports or PRs are appreciated.


[2] https://github.com/swisstxt/cloudstack-cloud-controller-manager

Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK

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