Hi Melanie,

when  moving volume to new storage, when you want to change disk offering
(or compute offering for ROOT disk...), ACS doesn't allow that - it lists
only offerings that have same tag as current offering (not good...)

We have inhouse patch, so that you CAN do that, by making sure to list all
offergins that have TAG that matches the TAG of the new destination pool of
the volume (hope Im clear here).

All volumes read tag from their offering - so just either change
disk_offering_id filed for each moved/migrated volume  to point to same
sized offering on new storage - and then normally change it once more via
UI to a new once etc - or manualy change to smaller disk offering (DB edit)
and later via UI/API to correct (same size) disk offering (or bigger if you
want to really resize)

I can try to share a patch in a non-developer, copy/paste way - in case you
want to patch your ACS to support this (as explained at the begining of the

Hope that helps


On Thu, 13 Dec 2018 at 13:50, Melanie Desaive <m.desa...@heinlein-support.de>

> Hi all,
> we are currently reorganizing our SAN Setup and I would like to
> introduce new storage tags on my existing volumes.
> I was naively assuming to simply change the tags or offering by GUI or
> API calls.
> Does not seem to work. Only way to change the tags, seems to be by using
> a new disk offering, which is denied, when the tags between old and new
> offering differ. :( Or am I missing something?
> I had a look into the cloud database, and the storage tags, seem to be
> only stored in
>   disk_offering.tags
> and
>   storage_pool_tags.tag
> Would it be a valid option for me to update disk_offering.tags by SQL to
> the desired value or could that break some deeper logic?
> Or is there even a better way to change the storage tags for existing
> volumes. (With or without downtime for the VMs)
> Looking forward to any advice!
> Greetings,
> Melanie
> --
> --
> Heinlein Support GmbH
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> Zwangsangaben lt. §35a GmbHG:
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> Geschäftsführer: Peer Heinlein  -- Sitz: Berlin


Andrija Panić

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