Hi Yiping,

As far as I can expect, patch level should not break any functionality with ACS 
(except, obviously, guest OS mappings...) so I assume it should work same was 
as unpatched/vanila version.


Please use above API call to make needed guest OS mapping - i.e. observe needed 
(or all ???) OS types (ID value from guest_os table for each guest OS type in 
ACS) and use it to generate appropriate API calls which will create missing 
mapping records inside guest_os_hypervisor table).

Alternatively,  just copy all 192 rows that you have for 7.1.0 - duplicate all 
these rows with changing hypervisor_version to 7.1.1 - I assume mgmt. restart 
might be needed, but since test env, doesn't hurt.

Let me know how this worked for you,


Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK

-----Original Message-----
From: Yiping Zhang <yzh...@marketo.com> 
Sent: 29 January 2019 21:54
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: how to run rhel 6.x VM as PV VM on xenserver 7.1CU1?

Hi, Andrija:

I think you are

 on to something here:

Here are my query results for these sql statements:

mysql> select id,name,hypervisor_type,hypervisor_version from host where 
type="Routing" and removed is NULL;
| id | name          | hypervisor_type | hypervisor_version |
| 56 | lab-hv03 | XenServer       | 7.1.1              |
| 57 | lab-hv02 | XenServer       | 7.1.1              |
| 58 | lab-hv04 | XenServer       | 7.1.1              |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM guest_os_hypervisor WHERE 
hypervisor_type="Xenserver" AND hypervisor_version = "7.1.0";
| count(*) |
|      192 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT count(*) FROM guest_os_hypervisor WHERE 
hypervisor_type="Xenserver" AND hypervisor_version = "7.1.1";
| count(*) |
|        0 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


As can be seen,  there are 192 entries for hypervisor_version "7.1.0", but zero 
entries for "7.1.1" which is what my hypervisors are.  I went back to read release notes again on supported hypervisor lists and sure enough,  
there is no mention of XenServer 7.1CU1 being supported.

What changes are required on CloudStack side to add support for XenServer 
7.1CU1 (aka 7.1.1)?  Would it be sufficient by adding missing mappings in 
guest_os_hypervsior table and adding new entry in hypervisor_capabilities 
table?  Is there any code change required?



On 1/29/19, 12:34 AM, "Andrija Panic" <andrija.pa...@shapeblue.com> wrote:

    Here is one more thing to check - please check your hypervisor version, as 
reported inside cloud.host table:
    select id,name,hypervisor_type,hypervisor_version from host where 
type="Routing" and removed is NULL;
    would in my lab return something like this:
    | id | name       | hypervisor_type | hypervisor_version |
    |  1 | | VMware          | 6.5                |
    Check the version reported for your XenServer, I'm assuming it might report 
true version after upgrade i.e. "7.1.2", for which there are NO mappings inside 
guest_os_hypervisor table - if so, you would need to duplicate all the mapping 
records for XenServer 7.1.0 (or 7.0.0).
    Different way to say it :
    SELECT * FROM guest_os_hypervisor WHERE hypervisor_type="Xenserver" AND 
hypervisor_version = "7.1.2";
    ...gives no result (there is no mapping from ACS guest OS to hypervisor 
guest OS)
    SELECT * FROM guest_os_hypervisor WHERE hypervisor_type="Xenserver" AND 
hypervisor_version = "7.1.0";
    ...would return many rows with proper mappings
    Check this, and we can work from there, once you confirm this might be the 
issue (there are API calls to do this, or we can do it with SQL etc - add 
missing mappins).
    Kind regards,
    Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrija Panic <andrija.pa...@shapeblue.com> 
    Sent: 29 January 2019 00:54
    To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
    Subject: RE: how to run rhel 6.x VM as PV VM on xenserver 7.1CU1?
    Additionally, I expect that following table is correct in sense of paper vs 
reality, but always good to check: 
    Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK @shapeblue
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrija Panic <andrija.pa...@shapeblue.com>
    Sent: 29 January 2019 00:52
    To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
    Subject: RE: how to run rhel 6.x VM as PV VM on xenserver 7.1CU1?
    Hi Yiping,
    If you do the following SQL:    SELECT * FROM guest_os_hypervisor WHERE 
hypervisor_type="XenServer" and hypervisor_version="7.1.0" AND guest_os_id IN 
(SELECT id FROM guest_os WHERE display_name="CentOS 6.4 (64-bit)");
    | guest_os_name     |
    | CentOS 6 (64-bit) |
    It basically shows you, that for ACS OS type called "CentOS 6.4 (64-bit)", 
this is translated/matches/mapped to the "CentOS 6 (64-bit)" as seen from the 
XenServer 7.1.x hypervisor. 
    Now, there IS a possibility that some of these mappings is incorrect...
    I would just go to XenServer and try to deploy manually (via XenCenter etc) 
a VM with selecting the OS type from above SQL results set (CentOS 6 (64-bit)) 
and observe if it gets provisioned as HVM or PV - if XenServer brings it as 
HVM, then you can see it's XenServer making it HVM. But if XenServer starts 
that manually deployed VM as PV - then we can assume some wrong mapping from 
ACS side.
    If you have time to test this, I'm also interested in root cause - since I 
saw with 7.1.x XenServer that you can't even restore a VM from snapshot, if you 
change OS type on existing VM in ACS from, i.e. centos 6.4 to 6.5 etc.
    Kind regards,
    Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK @shapeblue
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Yiping Zhang <yzh...@marketo.com>
    Sent: 28 January 2019 23:16
    To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
    Subject: how to run rhel 6.x VM as PV VM on xenserver 7.1CU1?
    Hi, All:
    I have a large number of RHEL 6.x VM instances running in our ACS 
environment. Last time when I upgraded our XenServer from 6.5SP1 to 7.0,   I 
have to change my templates to assign OS TYPE as “RHEL 6.4 (64bit)” so that my 
VM instances can be started as PV instances. Anything above “RHEL 6.5 (64bits)” 
would be started as HVM instances and they would get stuck during boot.
    Last week, after I upgraded my lab hypervisors to use XenServer 7.1CU1,  
all my (lab) rhel 6.x VM instances would get started as HVM instances, thus 
stuck during boot.  I even tried to change template’s OS TYPE to other types 
such as “rhel 5.10/5.0/6.0/, Other PV(64bit)” etc without any luck.
    What did I miss?  My lab is running ACS packages from Shapeblue.  
According to Citrix document, 
  RHEL 6.x should always be started as PV instance. So why I only get HVM 
instances instead?
    Is it CloudStack or XenServer which decides an instance to be started as PV 
or HVM instance?
    Thanks, all helps are appreciated.

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