It seems to me the settings are taking from the zone settings (datacentre 
table) hence manipulating that way will probably not work.

Fallback is obviously hard code it in the guest VM, or stick the setting in 
userdata and script it to populate on startup.

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 13/03/2019, 18:57, "Melanie Desaive" <> wrote:

    Hey Dag,
    thanks a lot for the swift answer!
    Yes we where aware of the possiblity to change the VRs DNSMasq
    configuration to achieve the desired effect but did not like the
    solution, because we did not like it to be non-persistent.
    I was thinking about manipulating the database, too. Good to hear you
    did not succeed with this approach. So I will not dig deeper into that.
    I discuss the options with my collegue!
    Wishing you a nice evening!
    Am Mittwoch, den 13.03.2019, 14:46 +0000 schrieb Dag Sonstebo:
    > Hi Melanie,
    > You can.... but it's a hack and it is not persistent whatsoever. The
    > following will be wiped out every time you restart VR AND every time
    > you create a new VM since it is updated on every handshake with ACS
    > management:
    > If you edit the third line in /etc/dnsmasq.d/cloud.conf on the VR
    > this will achieve it:
    > dhcp-range=set:interface-eth0-0,,static
    > dhcp-option=tag:interface-eth0-0,15,cs2cloud.internal
    > dhcp-option=tag:interface-eth0-0,6,<NEW DNS SERVER
    > HERE>,,,
    > dhcp-option=tag:interface-eth0-0,3,
    > dhcp-option=tag:interface-eth0-0,1,
    > Once done do a "service dnsmasq restart", then clear the DHCP lease
    > on your guest and request again - this will now pass the new
    > nameserver in the DHCP lease.
    > For reference - I tried changing the network table entry and this
    > does *not* accomplish anything:
    > > SELECT id,name,dns1,dns2 FROM cloud.networks where id=207
    > > id      | name      | dns1      | dns2      |
    > > 207     | dagnet2   |   |  
    > As far as I can see there's no API call to manipulate this either.
    > Regards,
    > Dag Sonstebo
    > Cloud Architect
    > ShapeBlue
    > On 13/03/2019, 13:41, "Melanie Desaive" <
    >> wrote:
    >     Hi all,
    >     for an isolated Network: Is it possible to configure an
    > alternative DNS
    >     Server IP for the network through the API or GUI? 
    >     I want an individual IP from the isolated network itself to be
    > pushed
    >     as DNS server by the VR DHCP-server. Not the DNS servers defined
    > for
    >     the zone and not the VRs IP itsself.
    >     I know it is kind of a hack, but it would help us a lot to
    > circumvent
    >     the VR for DNS in that use case.
    >     Greetings,
    >     Melanie
    >     -- 
    >     -- 
    >     Heinlein Support GmbH
    >     Schwedter Str. 8/9b, 10119 Berlin
    >     Tel: 030 / 40 50 51 - 62
    >     Fax: 030 / 40 50 51 - 19
    >     Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg - HRB 93818 B
    >     Geschäftsführer: Peer Heinlein - Sitz: Berlin
    > Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK
    > @shapeblue
    Heinlein Support GmbH
    Schwedter Str. 8/9b, 10119 Berlin
    Tel: 030 / 40 50 51 - 62
    Fax: 030 / 40 50 51 - 19
    Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg - HRB 93818 B
    Geschäftsführer: Peer Heinlein - Sitz: Berlin
Amadeus House, Floral Street, London  WC2E 9DPUK

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