Hi Jean-François

> I have always used NFS to install the SSVM templates and the install
> script (cloud-install-sys-tmplt) only takes a mount point.  How, if
> possible, would I proceed with S3 only storage ?

CloudStack doesn't support object storage as a backend for the
secondary storage. You'd have to use something like s3fs-fuse[1],
ObjectiveFS[2] or RioFS[3].

But I have no idea how well that will work... Take into consideration
that secondary storage will be mounted on at least the Management
Server and the SSVMs.

I think NFS is your only option for now.
What you can do, however, is mounting the S3 object store on one
machine and exporting it as an NFS share to the other hosts.


[1] https://github.com/s3fs-fuse/s3fs-fuse
[2] https://objectivefs.com/
[3] https://github.com/skoobe/riofs

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