Hi 😊

I have now upgraded from CS 4.13 to CS 4.15 and I have tried to configure 
Kubernetes service from the latest Cloudstack documentation page (CloudStack 
Kubernetes Service — Apache CloudStack 
  with no success…

As I have read from this forum and shapeblue’s pages, the CoreOS template setup 
is not needed anymore. But do I need to configure anything else from the 
GUI/cmd regarding this?

My 4.15 system vm uploaded before upgrading to 4.15 is not marked as “public”… 
is this a problem? Should I delete it and create a new systemvm for 4.15?

I have added Kubernetes versions 1.16.0 and 1.16.3 and they are marked as 
The global parameter in Cloudstack for Kubernetes is enabled.

When I try to create Kubernetes cluster with a test user, I get this error:
Request Failed (530) Kubernetes service has not been configured properly to 
provision Kubernetes clusters

Med vennlig hilsen

David Larsen
Senior systemkonsulent

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