Thank you Andrija,

        Indeed tested that, if ON  "bypass vlan overlap" option, it is possible 
to create 2 shared networks in the same vlan.
        IP gets assigned but for some reason the interface is shutdown in some 
time(Ubuntu 20). I am now troubleshooting the reason for this.

        The design I am trying to create current is - 3 groups of users - lets 
call them QA and DEV and ADMIN teams.
        - Network A is for QAs.
        - Network B is for DEVs.
        - ADMIN should have access to both networks.
I tried that setup with one parent domain (admins) and to child (QA and DEV). 
Assigning a network to child domain DEV hides the network from QA. ADMIN domain 
see the network but cannot create instances inside.

        If those 3 accounts are under one domain is it possible to:
        -  assign Network A to be operated and visible only to QA  and Admins
        -  assign Network B to be operated and visible only to DEV and Admins

The only solution I have found so far is the following:
- Define 2 networks - A and B with VR (DHCP, DNS, USERDATA) only available to 
ADMINS so nobody sees them
- Define L2 network AA with USERDATA assigned to QA that overlaps vlan id A
- Define L2 network BB with USERDATA assigned to DEV that overlaps vlan id B

Both users and admins can create instances. Users will not be able to change or 
choose IP address.



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrija Panic <> 
Sent: Thursday, June 3, 2021 10:38 AM
To: users <>
Subject: Re: 2 networks with DHCP in the same subnet?

[X] This message came from outside your organization

Considering you are trying to create 2 shared networks (irrelevant of their IP 
range), and I ASSUME you want them on the same VLAN? - then I don't think this 
alone is possible (2 network with the same VLAN)

If you can do it, then it's easy to test what you are asking.... and have first 
hand-answer :)

IN ACS workdl, in theory, 2 DHCP CAN operate in the same network, since ACS 
provisions explicit DHCP reservations for each IP - i.e. you can't just boot 
another VM (provisionined manually, outside ACS) in the same VLAN - as DHCP 
will reject to give it an IP.


On Wed, 2 Jun 2021 at 15:43, Yordan Kostov <> wrote:

> Dear all,
>                 Is it possible to have one /24 network - for example
> where it is divided into 2 shared networks as follow:
>   *   Network A - where 2 is Virtual router with DHCP for
> the ip range mentioned
>   *   Network B - where 51 is Virtual router with DHCP for
> the ip range mentioned
> I understand 2 DHCPs cannot operate in the same network but I was 
> wondering if this can be achieved somehow?
> Best regards,
> Jordan


Andrija Panić

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