Hello Jeremy,

        Once a shared network with DHCP offering is created the IPs fitting 
into the defined range are created in table called "user_ip_address".
        They are created one by one so if range between x.x.x.x.11 and 
x.x.x.210 is created this will add 200 entries. So if you want to expand that 
you need to add more entries manually, which is a bit unfortunate. 

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Hansen <jer...@skidrow.la> 
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2021 12:12 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: Alter Shared Guest Network?

[X] This message came from outside your organization

> On Jun 9, 2021, at 1:39 PM, Wido den Hollander <w...@widodh.nl> wrote:
>> On 6/9/21 3:55 PM, Jeremy Hansen wrote:
>> When I created my shared network config, I specified too narrow of an IP 
>> range.
>> I can’t seem to figure out how to alter this config via the web interface. 
>> Is this possible?
> Not via de UI nor API. You will need to hack this in the database. Or 
> remove the network and create it again. But this is only possible if 
> there are no VMs in the network.
> Wido

Thanks, recreating it seems like the easiest option since I’m only in testing 
phase right now, but I’m curious what it would take to alter tables to fix 
this. Any clues as to what tables/fields would need to be updated?

>> -jeremy

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