Hi! In my tests I couldn't use posixGroups, even changing the
ldap.group.object configuration. The query is always in the format:


Looking for the memberOf attribute in the user entity is the problem. I'm
using inetOrgPerson and no memberOf attribute exists. The only way I found
to make this configuration work was to enable the RFC2307bis schema
(replacing NIS schema), so my groups could be made of type posixGroup AND
groupOfNames. This RFC permits that groups can be of these two types. Then,
I had to enable the LDAP "overlay module" with member: attribute to keep
referential integrity between groups and users. Groups now have the member:
attribute synchronized with users memberOf: attribute.

With these changes my LDAP server can answer queries with memberOf=

To Cloustack work with posixGroups I think the code should  make different
queries when the administrator configures ldap.group.object: posixGroup,
not using memberOf.

Thank you!

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