Jorge, the linkDomaintoLdap feature is not that fine grained. Youĺl want to
look at LinkAccountToLdap for what you seek.

On Wed, Jun 8, 2022 at 10:31 PM Jorge Luiz Correa
<> wrote:

> Hi all!
> In documentation I can see:
> cloudmonkey link domaintoldap
> domainid=12345678-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba0987654321\
>                               accounttype=2\
> ldapdomain="ou=people,dc=cloudstack,dc=apache,dc=org"\
>                               type=OU
> So, for each member of ou=people,dc=cloudstack,dc=apache,dc=org I'll have
> one account with domain admin role (accounttype=2).
> How to do the same configuration for both user and admin roles? For
> example:
> To define admins:
> cloudmonkey link domaintoldap
> domainid=12345678-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba0987654321\
>                               accounttype=2\
> ldapdomain="ou=admins,dc=cloudstack,dc=apache,dc=org"\
>                               type=OU
> To define users:
> cloudmonkey link domaintoldap
> domainid=12345678-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba0987654321\
>                               accounttype=0\
> ldapdomain="ou=users,dc=cloudstack,dc=apache,dc=org"\
>                               type=OU
> When I tried to do that the second command failed with:
> Error: (HTTP 530, error code 9999) Entity already exists
> As I couldn't configure in that way, I tried just one command with
> accounttype=0 and passing the parameter admin=
> cloudmonkey link domaintoldap
> domainid=12345678-90ab-cdef-fedc-ba0987654321\
>                               accounttype=0\
> ldapdomain="ou=users,dc=cloudstack,dc=apache,dc=org"\
>                               type=OU\
>                               admin=adminuser
> So, all members of LDAP group can be a normal user and adminuser will be
> the domain admin.
> But, if I need to have more than one domain admin, how can I configure?
> I've tried put two admin= parameters but just the first is used.
> Thank you!
> --
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