Hi Mosharaf,

The volume path indicates the disk location on the storage pool with ID = 
store_id column. The volume uuid is simply an identifier for the volume.

Depending on the hypervisor you are using, both columns may be initially set to 
the same value (for example on KVM) and it may be possible the path could be 
changed after a volume migration.

Nicolas Vazquez
From: Mosharaf Hossain <mosharaf.hoss...@bol-online.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 5, 2023 10:19 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>
Cc: Product Development | BEXIMCO IT <p...@bol-online.com>
Subject: Cloudstack volume path vs ID

Dear Users
I am facing a disk volume path and ID dilemma in Cloudstack. While the path
and ID for some virtual machines are the same, they are different for other

Would you kindly assist me in understanding how they differ from one

Mosharaf Hossain


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