
Your understanding is correct.

If you want to assign the same IPs back to the original VMs you need to add the 
new network as additional NIC to the same VMs then change the new network to 
default and remove the old one.


From: Granwille Strauss <>
Date: Thursday, 22 June 2023 at 12:28 PM
To: <>
Cc: Jithin Raju <>
Subject: Re: Moving Multiple Shared IP ranges from one Guest network

Hi Jithin

Thank you for getting back to me. Sorry, that came out wrong I make use of 
Advanced and not basic zone. That said, I am not sure I understand the 

Identify the IP range VR uses that needs to be retained in the network

Change IP to the one range that you want to retain.

Since my network has three subnets that are being used by VMs and one VR, do I 
understand correctly that I need to leave one range in place, the range that is 
tied to the VRs public IP, yes? And then, for the other two ranges, after I 
have stopped VMs and changed their IPs I can remove those two ranges and create 
two new networks for each range. Will I then be able to assign the old IPs back 
to the VM afterwards?
On 6/22/23 08:46, Jithin Raju wrote:

Hi Granwille,

So you are using a basic zone and you have multiple subnets for the 
‘defaultGuestNetwork’ in the same pod?

You want to create new guest networks right, but that is not possible in a 
basic zone. You could add a new pod and add the new subnets there but within 
the same guest network.

If you are using an advanced zone with shared network you can follow the below 

Stop VM

Identify the IP range VR uses that needs to be retained in the network

Change IP to the one range that you want to retain.

                Goto VM->NICs -> change IP

Once you change the IPs for all the VMs you should be able to delete the range 
from the existing network and create a new one.


From: Granwille Strauss 

Date: Wednesday, 21 June 2023 at 9:47 PM


Subject: Moving Multiple Shared IP ranges from one Guest network

Hi Guys

I have basic private cloud setup. I have one guest network that contains three 
shared public IP subnet ranges consisting of /28 and /29 ranges. I have been 
recently advised that it would be better to make a guest network for each 
subnet range instead of having them all under one network.

The issue is, I already have VMs assigned to those public IP ranges and they're 
currently running. What would be the best way to solve this? Can I just remove 
the ranges from the existing network and quickly add a new network with those 
ranges and have a new VR boot up? Would it then continue to run on the existing 
VMs? I reckon I need to have the VMs stopped first in any case, yes? Also, I 
have ZERO API experience so this needs to happen all via UI.


Regards / Groete

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Granwille Strauss  //  Senior Systems Admin


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Regards / Groete
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Granwille Strauss  //  Senior Systems Admin

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