Thank you. I recently installed a new SSL certificate via UI, which I believe caused this issue. Sadly, I could not fix it even after destroying SSVM. I deleted all ISOs and had to re-register them and now it works as expected.

On 9/18/23 09:00, Andrija Panic wrote:

you should check the mgmt logs to see WHY this ISO failed to register
(perhaps there is HTTPS ssl issue or similar).

No reason to destroy SSVM (though it doesn't hurt) - a simple SSVM reboot
(or service cloud restart    inside SSVM)  will trigger checking all the
templates/ISOs and try to register (from the URL in DB) the ones that are
not in the "Ready" state.

You can also check the DB, vm_template table - find the ISO and check the
"URL" filed - see if that URL is reachable, returns HTTP status 200 (OK)
when trying to download it, etc.


On Sat, 16 Sept 2023 at 15:58, Granwille Strauss
<>  wrote:

Hi Guys

For some reason my ISO files via Cloudstack all show their ready status =
No. I have rebooted the SSVM and its connects and runs all fine and all my
templates show they are ready. Its only ISO that remains as NO. Any ideas
on how I can troubleshoot this? Should I destroy SSVM?
Regards / Groete

<>  Granwille Strauss  //  Senior Systems Admin

*m:* +264 81 323 1260 <+264813231260>

<>  <>


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Regards / Groete

<>         Granwille Strauss  // Senior Systems Admin

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