Thank you

But it is not giving me the detach option. Its non-existent. I rebooted ACS too and nothing, it only ask me to attach ISO, but it is already attached.

On 10/12/23 16:55, wrote:


I have the 4.18.1 and I see the detach option. You must detach before creating a template from it.



*From:* Granwille Strauss <>
*Sent:* Thursday, October 12, 2023 5:35 PM
*Subject:* ISO Detach Issue

Hi Guys

Something weird is going on again. I am trying to launch a new VM via UI using a newly registered Almalinux 8 ISO. As soon as the VM instance is created, I can use console to begin the OS install process. However, checking the VM instance options in the UI, I see no option to "Detach ISO" from the VM when I complete the install. So now, when I reboot the instance it always boots the ISO first. I tried to detach ISO via virsh, I get successful eject message but VM remains booting in ISO mode when I reboot VM. This is for ACS  via UI.


Regards / Groete



*Granwille Strauss* * // * Senior Systems Admin

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Regards / Groete

<>         Granwille Strauss  // Senior Systems Admin

*m:* +264 81 323 1260 <tel:+264813231260>
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