Hello everyone, 

My setup: ACS on Ubuntu 20.04.6. Two management servers and mysql 
active-active replication. 

I seem to have a very slow response on viewing vms. It takes about 20 seconds 
for the vm data to show when I click on any vm under Compute > Instances. When 
I click on various vm tabs (like NICs, Disks, Details, etc) the only tab that 
takes about 15-20 seconds to refresh is the Metrics tab. When the spinner stops 
I get the following message: "No data to show for the selected period." Also 
this information is shown in red colour: The Control Plane Status of this 
instance is Offline. Some actions on this instance will fail, if so please wait 
a while and retry. When I click on the 12 or 24 hours tab it takes a bit of 
time, but it does show the tables and the message in red colour is not shown. 
On mysql server I see the mysql process is using over 100% cpu (with 0% iowait) 
while ACS tries to retrieve the Metrics data. Also, the cloudstack-management 
server cpu usage goes to 200-400%. 

I've tried all the obvious (restarting management servers, stopping one of the 
management servers, restarting host servers). 

Does anyone know what is the issue? why does it take so long to retrieve the vm 
data and metrics? I don't remember having this problem before 4.18. 

Many thanks for any pointers. 



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