
I did a few smaller ones already and that worked out fine. Now I was trying to 
migrate a slightly bigger one (around ~50GB), which failed every time I tried 
it based on these errors:

2024-03-14 13:41:51,495 ERROR [utils.ssh.SshHelper] 
(agentRequest-Handler-2:null) (logid:62db2a70) Timed out in waiting for SSH 
execution exit status
2024-03-14 13:41:51,499 ERROR 
(agentRequest-Handler-2:null) (logid:62db2a70) Error while copying file from 
remote host: com.cloud.utils.ssh.SshException: Timed out in waiting for SSH 
execution exit status

Can I set that timeout somewhere? Since I have even larger once to do.

For now I rsynced the qcow over to one of the CS hosts and imported it that way 
but migrating it from the host itself is much easier since it does migrate all 
networks too for example.


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