On 23/09/15 10:23 AM, J. Echter wrote:
> Hi Digimer,
> Am 23.09.2015 um 15:38 schrieb Digimer:
>> Hi Juergen,
>>    First; This list is deprecated and you should use the Cluster Labs -
>> Users list (which I've cc'ed here).
> i already got that reminder as i sent my message, and i subscribed :)

I'm switching the thread to there then.

>>    Second; That tutorial is quite old and was replaced a while ago with
>> this one: https://alteeve.ca/w/AN!Cluster_Tutorial_2. It has a lot of
>> improvements we made after having many systems out in the field, so it
>> is well worth re-doing your setup to match it. It's mostly the same, so
>> it shouldn't be a big job.
> i'll have a look over the new one.

The main change, relative to this discussion, is more descriptive
interface names.

>>    I'll address your comments in-line:
>> On 23/09/15 08:38 AM, J. Echter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> i was using this guide
>>> https://alteeve.ca/w/2-Node_Red_Hat_KVM_Cluster_Tutorial_-_Archive to
>>> set up my cluster for some services, all works pretty good.
>>> I decided to use this cluster as a HA vm provider for my network.
>>> I have a little, maybe silly, question.
>>> The guide tells me to disable qemu default network, like this:
>>>>        Disable the 'qemu' Bridge
>>>> By default, libvirtd <https://alteeve.ca/w/Libvirtd> creates a bridge
>>>> called virbr0 designed to connect virtual machines to the first eth0
>>>> interface. Our system will not need this, so we will remove it now.
>>>> If libvirtd has started, skip to the next step. If you haven't started
>>>> libvirtd yet, you can manually disable the bridge by blanking out the
>>>> config file.
>>>> cat  /dev/null>/etc/libvirt/qemu/networks/default.xml
>>> i skipped the step to create the bridge device, as it was not needed for
>>> my belongings.
>> OK.
>>>> vim  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-vbr2
>>>> # Internet-Facing Network - Bridge
>>>> DEVICE="vbr2"
>>>> TYPE="Bridge"
>>>> BOOTPROTO="static"
>>>> IPADDR=""
>>>> NETMASK=""
>>>> GATEWAY=""
>>>> DNS1=""
>>>> DNS2=""
>>>> DEFROUTE="yes"
>>> Now i want to know how to proceed?
>>> i have bond0 - connected to my network (both nodes got different ip's
>>> from my dhcp)
>>> bond1 & bond2 are used for corosync and drbd.
>>> what would be the best decision to have some vm's served from this
>>> 2-node cluster too?
>>  From a bridging perspective, the quoted example config above is good.
>> The default libvirtd bridge is a NAT'ed bridge, so your VMs would get
>> IPs in the subnet, and the libvirtd bridge would route
>> them to the outside world. Using the bridge type in the tutorial though,
>> your VMs would appear to be directly on your network and would get (or
>> you would assign) IPs just the same as the rest of your system.
> so i can just use this example on my setup?
> bond0 = LAN =

This is the BCN, and is usually on

> bridge =

The bridge is on the IFN, which in the tutorial is on, so
yes. Note that the IP assigned to the bridge has no bearing at all on
the IPs set in the VMs.

> can i use my own dns server, working on the lan?
> like this:
> DEVICE="vbr2"
> TYPE="Bridge"
> BOOTPROTO="static"
> DNS1=""
> DEFROUTE="yes"

Sure. With this style of bridging, it's like you VMs are plugged
directly into the physical switch. What you do on the node has no
bearing. The only thing is that you move the IP assignment for the node
out of the bond and into the bridge. In fact, you can assign no IP to
the bridge and traffic from the VMs will route fine.

So think of this bridge as being like a regular hardware switch that the
VMs plug into and that the node itself plugs into, and the bond as the
"cable" linking the vritual switch to the hardware switch. When you
think of it like that, you can see how the setup of the node has no
bearing on anything else.

>>> thanks, and please tell me what infos i may have forgotten to provide
>>> for you. :)
>>> cheers
>>> juergen
> thanks for your support.
> cheers
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