On 03/01/2016 08:24 AM, Rafał Sanocki wrote:
> Hello
> Can you tell if that message is correct "
>  #crm_mon -A
> Online: [ nodeA nodeB ]
> failover-ip1    (ocf::pacemaker:wall):  Started nodeB
>  Clone Set: my-conn
>      Started: [ nodeA nodeB ]
>  Clone Set: my-connp
>      Started: [ nodeA nodeB ]
> Node Attributes:
> * Node nodeA:
>     + arping                            : 0
>     + pingd                             : 200           : Connectivity
> is degraded (Expected=300)

crm_mon prints messages like this for ping/pingd resources. The expected
value is the number of nodes in the resource's host_list parameter
multiplied by its multiplier parameter (default 1 if not specified). If
the actual value is less than the expected value, it will print the message.

Whether that's "correct" depends on what you mean by that. It's correct
in that the actual value is less than the expected value.

> * Node nodeB:
>     + arping                            : 100
>     + pingd                             : 200           : Connectivity
> is degraded (Expected=300)

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