On 05/14/2016 08:54 AM, Marco A. Carcano wrote:
> I hope to find here someone who can help me:
> I have a 3 node cluster and I’m struggling to create a GFSv2 shared storage. 
> The  weird thing is that despite cluster seems OK, I’m not able to have the 
> fence_scsi stonith device managed, and this prevent CLVMD and GFSv2 to start.
> I’m using CentOS 7.1, selinux and firewall disabled
> I created the stonith device with the following command
> pcs stonith create scsi fence_scsi pcmk_host_list="apache-up001.ring0 
> apache-up002.ring0 apache-up003.ring0 apache-up001.ring1 apache-up002.ring1 
> apache-up003.ring1” 
>      pcmk_reboot_action="off" 
> devices="/dev/mapper/36001405973e201b3fdb4a999175b942f" meta 
> provides="unfencing" —force
> Notice that is a 3 node cluster with a redundant ring: hosts with .ring1 
> suffix are the same of the ones with .ring0 suffix, but with a different IP 
> address

pcmk_host_list only needs the names of the nodes as specified in the
Pacemaker configuration. It allows the cluster to answer the question,
"What device can I use to fence this particular node?"

Sometimes the fence device itself needs to identify the node by a
different name than the one used by Pacemaker. In that case, use
pcmk_host_map, which maps each cluster node name to a fence device node

The one thing your command is missing is an "op monitor". I'm guessing
that's why it required "--force" (which shouldn't be necessary) and why
the cluster is treating it as unmanaged.

> /dev/mapper/36001405973e201b3fdb4a999175b942f is a multipath device for 
> /dev/sda and /dev/sdb
> in log files everything seems right. However pcs status reports the following:
> Cluster name: apache-0
> Last updated: Sat May 14 15:35:56 2016                Last change: Sat May 14 
> 15:18:17 2016 by root via cibadmin on apache-up001.ring0
> Stack: corosync
> Current DC: apache-up003.ring0 (version 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2-44eb2dd) - 
> partition with quorum
> 3 nodes and 7 resources configured
> Online: [ apache-up001.ring0 apache-up002.ring0 apache-up003.ring0 ]
> Full list of resources:
>  scsi (stonith:fence_scsi):   Stopped (unmanaged)
> PCSD Status:
>   apache-up001.ring0: Online
>   apache-up002.ring0: Online
>   apache-up003.ring0: Online
> Daemon Status:
>   corosync: active/enabled
>   pacemaker: active/enabled
>   pcsd: active/enabled
> However SCSI fencing and persistent id reservation seems right:
> sg_persist -n -i -r -d /dev/mapper/36001405973e201b3fdb4a999175b942f 
>   PR generation=0x37, Reservation follows:
>     Key=0x9b0e0000
>     scope: LU_SCOPE,  type: Write Exclusive, registrants only
> sg_persist -n -i -k -d /dev/mapper/36001405973e201b3fdb4a999175b942f 
>   PR generation=0x37, 6 registered reservation keys follow:
>     0x9b0e0000
>     0x9b0e0000
>     0x9b0e0001
>     0x9b0e0001
>     0x9b0e0002
>     0x9b0e0002
> if I manually fence the second node:
> pcs stonith fence apache-up002.ring0
> I got as expected
> sg_persist -n -i -k -d /dev/mapper/36001405973e201b3fdb4a999175b942f 
>   PR generation=0x38, 4 registered reservation keys follow:
>     0x9b0e0000
>     0x9b0e0000
>     0x9b0e0002
>     0x9b0e0002
> Cluster configuration seems OK
> crm_verify -L -V reports no errors neither warnings, 
> corosync-cfgtool -s
> Printing ring status.
> Local node ID 1
>       id      =
>       status  = ring 0 active with no faults
>       id      =
>       status  = ring 1 active with no faults
> corosync-quorumtool -s
> Quorum information
> ------------------
> Date:             Sat May 14 15:42:38 2016
> Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
> Nodes:            3
> Node ID:          1
> Ring ID:          820
> Quorate:          Yes
> Votequorum information
> ----------------------
> Expected votes:   3
> Highest expected: 3
> Total votes:      3
> Quorum:           2  
> Flags:            Quorate 
> Membership information
> ----------------------
>     Nodeid      Votes Name
>          3          1 apache-up003.ring0
>          2          1 apache-up002.ring0
>          1          1 apache-up001.ring0 (local)
> corosync-cmapctl  | grep members
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1.config_version (u64) = 0
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1.ip (str) = r(0) ip( r(1) 
> ip( 
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1.join_count (u32) = 1
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.1.status (str) = joined
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.2.config_version (u64) = 0
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.2.ip (str) = r(0) ip( r(1) 
> ip( 
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.2.join_count (u32) = 1
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.2.status (str) = joined
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.3.config_version (u64) = 0
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.3.ip (str) = r(0) ip( r(1) 
> ip( 
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.3.join_count (u32) = 1
> runtime.totem.pg.mrp.srp.members.3.status (str) = joined
> here are logs at cluster start
>  pcs cluster start --all
> apache-up003.ring0: Starting Cluster...
> apache-up001.ring0: Starting Cluster...
> apache-up002.ring0: Starting Cluster...
> cat /var/log/messages
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 systemd: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine...
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18934]: [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster 
> Engine ('2.3.4'): started and ready to provide service.
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18934]: [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in 
> features: dbus systemd xmlconf snmp pie relro bindnow
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] Initializing transport 
> (UDP/IP Unicast).
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] Initializing 
> transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: none hash: none
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] Initializing transport 
> (UDP/IP Unicast).
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] Initializing 
> transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: none hash: none
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] The network interface 
> [] is now up.
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync configuration map access [0]
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QB    ] server name: cmap
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync configuration service [1]
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QB    ] server name: cfg
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01 [2]
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QB    ] server name: cpg
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync profile loading service [4]
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QUORUM] Using quorum provider 
> corosync_votequorum
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync vote quorum service v1.0 [5]
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QB    ] server name: votequorum
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [SERV  ] Service engine loaded: 
> corosync cluster quorum service v0.1 [3]
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QB    ] server name: quorum
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU member 
> {}
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU member 
> {}
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU member 
> {}
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] The network interface 
> [] is now up.
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU member 
> {}
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU member 
> {}
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU member 
> {}
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] A new membership 
> ( was formed. Members joined: 1
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QUORUM] Members[1]: 1
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [MAIN  ] Completed service 
> synchronization, ready to provide service.
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [TOTEM ] A new membership 
> ( was formed. Members joined: 3 2
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QUORUM] This node is within 
> the primary component and will provide service.
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [QUORUM] Members[3]: 3 2 1
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync[18935]: [MAIN  ] Completed service 
> synchronization, ready to provide service.
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 corosync: Starting Corosync Cluster Engine 
> (corosync): [  OK  ]
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 systemd: Started Corosync Cluster Engine.
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: Additional logging 
> available in /var/log/pacemaker.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 systemd: Started Pacemaker High Availability 
> Cluster Manager.
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 systemd: Starting Pacemaker High Availability 
> Cluster Manager...
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: Switching to 
> /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: Additional logging 
> available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: Configured corosync 
> to accept connections from group 189: OK (1)
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: Starting Pacemaker 
> 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2 (Build: 44eb2dd):  generated-manpages agent-manpages 
> ncurses libqb-logging libqb-ipc upstart systemd nagios  corosync-native 
> atomic-attrd acls
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: Quorum acquired
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: 
> pcmk_quorum_notification: Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member 
> (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: 
> pcmk_quorum_notification: Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member 
> (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pacemakerd[18950]:  notice: 
> pcmk_quorum_notification: Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member 
> (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 attrd[18954]:  notice: Additional logging 
> available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 attrd[18954]:  notice: Connecting to cluster 
> infrastructure: corosync
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: Additional logging 
> available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: CRM Git Version: 
> 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2 (44eb2dd)
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 cib[18951]:  notice: Additional logging 
> available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 pengine[18955]:  notice: Additional logging 
> available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 lrmd[18953]:  notice: Additional logging 
> available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: Additional logging 
> available in /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: Connecting to 
> cluster infrastructure: corosync
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 cib[18951]:  notice: Connecting to cluster 
> infrastructure: corosync
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 attrd[18954]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc: 
> Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: 
> crm_update_peer_proc: Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was 
> (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 cib[18951]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 cib[18951]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 apache-up001 cib[18951]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: Connecting to cluster 
> infrastructure: corosync
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: Quorum acquired
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: pcmk_quorum_notification: 
> Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: pcmk_quorum_notification: 
> Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: pcmk_quorum_notification: 
> Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: Notifications disabled
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: The local CRM is 
> operational
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: State transition 
> origin=do_started ]
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 attrd[18954]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc: 
> Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: Watching for stonith 
> topology changes
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 attrd[18954]:  notice: crm_update_peer_proc: 
> Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: 
> crm_update_peer_proc: Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was 
> (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: 
> crm_update_peer_proc: Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was 
> (null))
> May 14 15:47:01 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: Added 'scsi' to the 
> device list (1 active devices)
> May 14 15:47:21 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: State transition S_PENDING 
> -> S_NOT_DC [ input=I_NOT_DC cause=C_HA_MESSAGE 
> origin=do_cl_join_finalize_respond ]
> May 14 15:47:22 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: scsi can fence (on) 
> apache-up001.ring0: static-list
> May 14 15:47:22 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: scsi can fence (on) 
> apache-up001.ring0: static-list
> May 14 15:47:22 apache-up001 kernel: sda: unknown partition table
> May 14 15:47:22 apache-up001 kernel: sdb: unknown partition table
> May 14 15:47:22 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: Operation on of 
> apache-up003.ring0 by apache-up003.ring0 for 
> crmd.15120@apache-up002.ring0.44c5a0b6: OK
> May 14 15:47:22 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: apache-up003.ring0 was 
> successfully unfenced by apache-up003.ring0 (at the request of 
> apache-up002.ring0)
> May 14 15:47:22 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: Operation on of 
> apache-up002.ring0 by apache-up002.ring0 for 
> crmd.15120@apache-up002.ring0.e4b17672: OK
> May 14 15:47:22 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: apache-up002.ring0 was 
> successfully unfenced by apache-up002.ring0 (at the request of 
> apache-up002.ring0)
> May 14 15:47:23 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: Operation 'on' 
> [19052] (call 4 from crmd.15120) for host 'apache-up001.ring0' with device 
> 'scsi' returned: 0 (OK)
> May 14 15:47:23 apache-up001 stonith-ng[18952]:  notice: Operation on of 
> apache-up001.ring0 by apache-up001.ring0 for 
> crmd.15120@apache-up002.ring0.a682d19f: OK
> May 14 15:47:23 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: apache-up001.ring0 was 
> successfully unfenced by apache-up001.ring0 (at the request of 
> apache-up002.ring0)
> May 14 15:47:23 apache-up001 systemd: Device 
> dev-disk-by\x2did-scsi\x2d36001405973e201b3fdb4a999175b942f.device appeared 
> twice with different sysfs paths 
> /sys/devices/platform/host3/session2/target3:0:0/3:0:0:1/block/sda and 
> /sys/devices/platform/host2/session1/target2:0:0/2:0:0:1/block/sdb
> May 14 15:47:23 apache-up001 systemd: Device 
> dev-disk-by\x2did-wwn\x2d0x6001405973e201b3fdb4a999175b942f.device appeared 
> twice with different sysfs paths 
> /sys/devices/platform/host3/session2/target3:0:0/3:0:0:1/block/sda and 
> /sys/devices/platform/host2/session1/target2:0:0/2:0:0:1/block/sdb
> May 14 15:47:25 apache-up001 crmd[18956]:  notice: Operation scsi_monitor_0: 
> not running (node=apache-up001.ring0, call=5, rc=7, cib-update=12, 
> confirmed=true)
> cat /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [MAIN  ] Corosync Cluster 
> Engine ('2.3.4'): started and ready to provide service.
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncinfo    [MAIN  ] Corosync built-in 
> features: dbus systemd xmlconf snmp pie relro bindnow
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] Initializing 
> transport (UDP/IP Unicast).
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] Initializing 
> transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: none hash: none
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] Initializing 
> transport (UDP/IP Unicast).
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] Initializing 
> transmit/receive security (NSS) crypto: none hash: none
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] The network 
> interface [] is now up.
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [SERV  ] Service engine 
> loaded: corosync configuration map access [0]
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncinfo    [QB    ] server name: cmap
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [SERV  ] Service engine 
> loaded: corosync configuration service [1]
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncinfo    [QB    ] server name: cfg
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [SERV  ] Service engine 
> loaded: corosync cluster closed process group service v1.01 [2]
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncinfo    [QB    ] server name: cpg
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [SERV  ] Service engine 
> loaded: corosync profile loading service [4]
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [QUORUM] Using quorum 
> provider corosync_votequorum
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [SERV  ] Service engine 
> loaded: corosync vote quorum service v1.0 [5]
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncinfo    [QB    ] server name: 
> votequorum
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [SERV  ] Service engine 
> loaded: corosync cluster quorum service v0.1 [3]
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncinfo    [QB    ] server name: quorum
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU 
> member {}
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU 
> member {}
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU 
> member {}
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] The network 
> interface [] is now up.
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU 
> member {}
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU 
> member {}
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] adding new UDPU 
> member {}
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] A new membership 
> ( was formed. Members joined: 1
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [QUORUM] Members[1]: 1
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [MAIN  ] Completed service 
> synchronization, ready to provide service.
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [TOTEM ] A new membership 
> ( was formed. Members joined: 3 2
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [QUORUM] This node is within 
> the primary component and will provide service.
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [QUORUM] Members[3]: 3 2 1
> [18934] apache-up001.itc4u.local corosyncnotice  [MAIN  ] Completed service 
> synchronization, ready to provide service.
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:   notice: 
> mcp_read_config:       Configured corosync to accept connections from group 
> 189: OK (1)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:   notice: main:  
> Starting Pacemaker 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2 (Build: 44eb2dd):  generated-manpages 
> agent-manpages ncurses libqb-logging libqb-ipc upstart systemd nagios  
> corosync-native atomic-attrd acls
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: main:  
> Maximum core file size is: 18446744073709551615
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: pacemakerd
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 2ce0a451-fca7-407d-82d6-cf16b2d9059e/0x1213720 
> for node apache-up001.ring0/1 (1 total)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 is now known as apache-up001.ring0
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 has uuid 1
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  cluster_connect_cpg: Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:   notice: 
> cluster_connect_quorum:        Quorum acquired
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 9fc4b33e-ee75-4ebb-ab2e-e7ead18e083d/0x1214b80 
> for node apache-up002.ring0/2 (2 total)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 is now known as apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 has uuid 2
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 54d08100-982e-42c3-b364-57017d8c2f14/0x1215070 
> for node apache-up003.ring0/3 (3 total)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 is now known as apache-up003.ring0
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 has uuid 3
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Using uid=189 and group=189 for process cib
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Forked child 18951 for process cib
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Forked child 18952 for process stonith-ng
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Forked child 18953 for process lrmd
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Using uid=189 and group=189 for process attrd
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Forked child 18954 for process attrd
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Using uid=189 and group=189 for process pengine
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Forked child 18955 for process pengine
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Using uid=189 and group=189 for process crmd
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> start_child:   Forked child 18956 for process crmd
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: main:  
> Starting mainloop
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> pcmk_quorum_notification:      Membership 836: quorum retained (3)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    pcmk_quorum_notification: Node 
> apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    pcmk_quorum_notification: Node 
> apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    pcmk_quorum_notification: Node 
> apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 joined group pacemakerd (counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group pacemakerd 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group pacemakerd 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=0.1)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 joined group pacemakerd (counter=1.0)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group pacemakerd 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=1.0)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 still member of group pacemakerd 
> (peer=apache-up002.ring0, counter=1.1)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group pacemakerd 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=1.2)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_cpg_deliver:       Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_cpg_deliver:       Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_cpg_deliver:       Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_cpg_deliver:       Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_cpg_deliver:       Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_cpg_deliver:       Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_cpg_deliver:       Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_cpg_deliver:       Ignoring process list sent by peer for local node
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_log_init:  Changed active directory to /var/lib/pacemaker/cores/hacluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: main:  
> Starting up
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:   notice: 
> crm_cluster_connect:   Connecting to cluster infrastructure: corosync
> May 14 15:46:59 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_log_init:  Changed active directory to /var/lib/pacemaker/cores/hacluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: main:  
> CRM Git Version: 1.1.13-10.el7_2.2 (44eb2dd)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_log:        FSA: Input I_STARTUP from crmd_init() received in state 
> May 14 15:46:59 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
> May 14 15:46:59 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_log_init:  Changed active directory to /var/lib/pacemaker/cores/hacluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> retrieveCib:   Reading cluster configuration file 
> /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.xml (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.xml.sig)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> validate_with_relaxng: Creating RNG parser context
> May 14 15:46:59 [18955] apache-up001.itc4u.local    pengine:     info: 
> crm_log_init:  Changed active directory to /var/lib/pacemaker/cores/hacluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18955] apache-up001.itc4u.local    pengine:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: pengine
> May 14 15:46:59 [18955] apache-up001.itc4u.local    pengine:     info: main:  
> Starting pengine
> May 14 15:46:59 [18953] apache-up001.itc4u.local       lrmd:     info: 
> crm_log_init:  Changed active directory to /var/lib/pacemaker/cores/root
> May 14 15:46:59 [18953] apache-up001.itc4u.local       lrmd:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: lrmd
> May 14 15:46:59 [18953] apache-up001.itc4u.local       lrmd:     info: main:  
> Starting
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_log_init:  Changed active directory to /var/lib/pacemaker/cores/root
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Verifying cluster type: 'corosync'
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Assuming an active 'corosync' cluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> crm_cluster_connect:   Connecting to cluster infrastructure: corosync
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 2e6a7f6f-877e-4eba-93dc-7e2f13a48c31/0x8b1cd0 
> for node apache-up001.ring0/1 (1 total)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 is now known as apache-up001.ring0
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> startCib:      CIB Initialization completed successfully
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:   notice: 
> crm_cluster_connect:   Connecting to cluster infrastructure: corosync
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 has uuid 1
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  cluster_connect_cpg: Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> init_cs_connection_once:       Connection to 'corosync': established
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry ed676779-f16b-4ebe-8bf2-a80c08001e4b/0x22e71d0 
> for node apache-up001.ring0/1 (1 total)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 is now known as apache-up001.ring0
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: main:  
> Cluster connection active
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: attrd
> May 14 15:46:59 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: main:  
> Accepting attribute updates
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 5ca16226-9bac-40aa-910f-b1825e1f505b/0x1828af0 
> for node apache-up001.ring0/1 (1 total)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 is now known as apache-up001.ring0
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 has uuid 1
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  cluster_connect_cpg: Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> init_cs_connection_once:       Connection to 'corosync': established
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 has uuid 1
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  cluster_connect_cpg: Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> init_cs_connection_once:       Connection to 'corosync': established
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: cib_ro
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: cib_rw
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: cib_shm
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_init:      Starting cib mainloop
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 joined group cib (counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group cib 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 32607e56-5e7f-42d6-91c9-3d9ee2fa152f/0x182b820 
> for node apache-up003.ring0/3 (2 total)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 is now known as apache-up003.ring0
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 has uuid 3
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group cib 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=0.1)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 joined group cib (counter=1.0)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group cib 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=1.0)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 9d8bed61-2324-42b4-8010-5b2736c21534/0x182b910 
> for node apache-up002.ring0/2 (3 total)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 is now known as apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 has uuid 2
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 still member of group cib 
> (peer=apache-up002.ring0, counter=1.1)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group cib 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=1.2)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_file_backup:       Archived previous version as 
> /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib-69.raw
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_file_write_with_digest:    Wrote version 0.98.0 of the CIB to disk 
> (digest: 262eb42d23bff917f27a0914467d7218)
> May 14 15:46:59 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_file_write_with_digest:    Reading cluster configuration file 
> /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.8fxTts (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.Ls9hSP)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_cib_control:        CIB connection established
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> crm_cluster_connect:   Connecting to cluster infrastructure: corosync
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 0e0a8dc1-17df-42f7-83f7-55fbee944173/0x24e2c20 
> for node apache-up001.ring0/1 (1 total)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 is now known as apache-up001.ring0
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  apache-up001.ring0 is now in unknown state
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 1 has uuid 1
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  cluster_connect_cpg: Node apache-up001.ring0[1] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  Client apache-up001.ring0/peer now has status [online] 
> (DC=<null>, changed=4000000)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> init_cs_connection_once:       Connection to 'corosync': established
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> cluster_connect_quorum:        Quorum acquired
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 5476fb11-1e94-4908-92e5-d27a3e5a29b2/0x24e5130 
> for node apache-up002.ring0/2 (2 total)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 is now known as apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  apache-up002.ring0 is now in unknown state
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 has uuid 2
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry c50be947-f189-4c64-a7a2-523593eafac8/0x24e5390 
> for node apache-up003.ring0/3 (3 total)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 is now known as apache-up003.ring0
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  apache-up003.ring0 is now in unknown state
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 has uuid 3
> May 14 15:47:00 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up003.ring0/crmd/6, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_ha_control: Connected to the cluster
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> lrmd_ipc_connect:      Connecting to lrmd
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_lrm_control:        LRM connection established
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_started:    Delaying start, no membership data (0000000000100000)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_started:    Delaying start, no membership data (0000000000100000)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> pcmk_quorum_notification:      Membership 836: quorum retained (3)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    pcmk_quorum_notification: Node 
> apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  apache-up003.ring0 is now member (was in unknown state)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    pcmk_quorum_notification: Node 
> apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  apache-up002.ring0 is now member (was in unknown state)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    pcmk_quorum_notification: Node 
> apache-up001.ring0[1] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  apache-up001.ring0 is now member (was in unknown state)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_modify operation for section nodes to 
> master (origin=local/crmd/6)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up001.ring0/crmd/6, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_connect:     Connected to the CIB after 2 attempts
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: main:  
> CIB connection active
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 joined group attrd (counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group attrd 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_started:    Delaying start, Config not read (0000000000000040)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> crmd_enable_notifications:     Notifications disabled
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: crmd
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> do_started:    The local CRM is operational
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_log:        FSA: Input I_PENDING from do_started() received in state 
> May 14 15:47:00 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> do_state_transition:   State transition S_STARTING -> S_PENDING [ 
> input=I_PENDING cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=do_started ]
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry eb16028a-9e18-4b07-b9bf-d29dc04177bd/0x8b4450 
> for node apache-up003.ring0/3 (2 total)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 is now known as apache-up003.ring0
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 has uuid 3
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group attrd 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=0.1)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 joined group attrd (counter=1.0)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group attrd 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=1.0)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> setup_cib:     Watching for stonith topology changes
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> qb_ipcs_us_publish:    server name: stonith-ng
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: main:  
> Starting stonith-ng mainloop
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 joined group stonith-ng (counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group stonith-ng 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 8e6e690d-b0f3-4894-8ae2-663543a34c55/0x8b4ec0 
> for node apache-up002.ring0/2 (3 total)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 is now known as apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 has uuid 2
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 still member of group attrd 
> (peer=apache-up002.ring0, counter=1.1)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group attrd 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=1.2)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 51a26c10-f43f-4b9b-a7a5-71049ebacdf0/0x22e88c0 
> for node apache-up002.ring0/2 (2 total)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 is now known as apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 2 has uuid 2
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 still member of group stonith-ng 
> (peer=apache-up002.ring0, counter=0.1)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up002.ring0[2] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Created entry 9fd39304-24fa-48bd-899e-8d33c3994ecf/0x22e8a10 
> for node apache-up003.ring0/3 (3 total)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 is now known as apache-up003.ring0
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_get_peer:  Node 3 has uuid 3
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group stonith-ng 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=0.2)
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> crm_update_peer_state_iter:    crm_update_peer_proc: Node 
> apache-up003.ring0[3] - state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> init_cib_cache_cb:     Updating device list from the cib: init
> May 14 15:47:00 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> cib_devices_update:    Updating devices to version 0.98.0
> May 14 15:47:00 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/6, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 joined group crmd (counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group crmd 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=0.0)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group crmd 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=0.1)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up003.ring0[3] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  Client apache-up003.ring0/peer now has status [online] 
> (DC=<null>, changed=4000000)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 joined group crmd (counter=1.0)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 1 still member of group crmd 
> (peer=apache-up001.ring0, counter=1.0)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 2 still member of group crmd 
> (peer=apache-up002.ring0, counter=1.1)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_proc:  pcmk_cpg_membership: Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - 
> corosync-cpg is now online
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> peer_update_callback:  Client apache-up002.ring0/peer now has status [online] 
> (DC=<null>, changed=4000000)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> pcmk_cpg_membership:   Node 3 still member of group crmd 
> (peer=apache-up003.ring0, counter=1.2)
> May 14 15:47:01 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> build_device_from_xml: The fencing device 'scsi' requires unfencing
> May 14 15:47:01 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> build_device_from_xml: The fencing device 'scsi' requires actions (on) to be 
> executed on the target node
> May 14 15:47:01 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> stonith_device_register:       Added 'scsi' to the device list (1 active 
> devices)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> election_count_vote:   Election 1 (owner: 3) lost: vote from 
> apache-up003.ring0 (Uptime)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_log:        FSA: Input I_PENDING from do_election_count_vote() received in 
> state S_PENDING
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> election_count_vote:   Election 1 (owner: 2) lost: vote from 
> apache-up002.ring0 (Uptime)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_log:        FSA: Input I_PENDING from do_election_count_vote() received in 
> state S_PENDING
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section cib: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/10, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section crm_config: 
> OK (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/12, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> update_dc:     Set DC to apache-up002.ring0 (3.0.10)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> crm_update_peer_expected:      update_dc: Node apache-up002.ring0[2] - 
> expected state is now member (was (null))
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section crm_config: 
> OK (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/14, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> election_count_vote:   Election 2 (owner: 2) lost: vote from 
> apache-up002.ring0 (Uptime)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> update_dc:     Unset DC. Was apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_log:        FSA: Input I_PENDING from do_election_count_vote() received in 
> state S_PENDING
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> update_dc:     Set DC to apache-up002.ring0 (3.0.10)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section crm_config: 
> OK (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/16, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> erase_status_tag:      Deleting xpath: 
> //node_state[@uname='apache-up001.ring0']/transient_attributes
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> update_attrd_helper:   Connecting to attribute manager ... 5 retries remaining
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_replace:   Digest matched on replace from apache-up002.ring0: 
> 10bfa46e2d338e958e6864a0b202f034
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_replace:   Replaced 0.98.0 with 0.98.0 from apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_replace operation for section 'all': OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/20, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_delete operation for section 
> //node_state[@uname='apache-up001.ring0']/transient_attributes to master 
> (origin=local/crmd/11)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_delete operation for section 
> //node_state[@uname='apache-up001.ring0']/transient_attributes: OK (rc=0, 
> origin=apache-up001.ring0/crmd/11, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_delete operation for section 
> //node_state[@uname='apache-up003.ring0']/transient_attributes: OK (rc=0, 
> origin=apache-up003.ring0/crmd/12, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_client_update:   Starting an election to determine the writer
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_log:        FSA: Input I_NOT_DC from do_cl_join_finalize_respond() 
> received in state S_PENDING
> May 14 15:47:21 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> do_state_transition:   State transition S_PENDING -> S_NOT_DC [ 
> input=I_NOT_DC cause=C_HA_MESSAGE origin=do_cl_join_finalize_respond ]
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_file_backup:       Archived previous version as 
> /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib-70.raw
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/21, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/22, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/23, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> election_count_vote:   Election 1 (owner: 2) pass: vote from 
> apache-up002.ring0 (Uptime)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_peer_update:     Setting shutdown[apache-up002.ring0]: (null) -> 0 from 
> apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> election_count_vote:   Election 1 (owner: 3) pass: vote from 
> apache-up003.ring0 (Uptime)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_peer_update:     Setting shutdown[apache-up003.ring0]: (null) -> 0 from 
> apache-up003.ring0
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> election_count_vote:   Election 2 (owner: 3) pass: vote from 
> apache-up003.ring0 (Uptime)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_client_refresh:  Updating all attributes
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_delete operation for section 
> //node_state[@uname='apache-up002.ring0']/transient_attributes: OK (rc=0, 
> origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/24, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Sent update 2 with 2 changes for shutdown, id=<n/a>, 
> set=(null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Sent update 3 with 2 changes for terminate, id=<n/a>, 
> set=(null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_peer_update:     Setting shutdown[apache-up001.ring0]: (null) -> 0 from 
> apache-up001.ring0
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_file_write_with_digest:    Wrote version 0.98.0 of the CIB to disk 
> (digest: 088b40b257e579e23dcbd0047454c8a9)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_delete operation for section 
> //node_state[@uname='apache-up002.ring0']/lrm: OK (rc=0, 
> origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/25, version=0.98.0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.0 2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.1 (null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=1
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ /cib/status:  <node_state id="2" 
> uname="apache-up002.ring0" in_ccm="true" crmd="online" 
> crm-debug-origin="do_lrm_query_internal" join="member" expected="member"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                 <lrm id="2">
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                   <lrm_resources/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                 </lrm>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++               </node_state>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> election_complete:     Election election-attrd complete
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Write out of 'shutdown' delayed: update 2 in progress
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Write out of 'terminate' delayed: update 3 in progress
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_file_write_with_digest:    Reading cluster configuration file 
> /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.JoSONl (digest: /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.tSlLmC)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/26, version=0.98.1)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_delete operation for section 
> //node_state[@uname='apache-up001.ring0']/lrm: OK (rc=0, 
> origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/27, version=0.98.1)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.1 2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.2 (null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ /cib/status:  <node_state id="1" 
> uname="apache-up001.ring0" in_ccm="true" crmd="online" 
> crm-debug-origin="do_lrm_query_internal" join="member" expected="member"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                 <lrm id="1">
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                   <lrm_resources/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                 </lrm>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++               </node_state>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/28, version=0.98.2)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_delete operation for section 
> //node_state[@uname='apache-up003.ring0']/lrm: OK (rc=0, 
> origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/29, version=0.98.2)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.2 2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.3 (null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=3
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ /cib/status:  <node_state id="3" 
> uname="apache-up003.ring0" in_ccm="true" crmd="online" 
> crm-debug-origin="do_lrm_query_internal" join="member" expected="member"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                 <lrm id="3">
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                   <lrm_resources/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                 </lrm>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++               </node_state>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/30, version=0.98.3)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to 
> master (origin=local/attrd/2)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to 
> master (origin=local/attrd/3)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.3 2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.4 (null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=4
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']:  
> <transient_attributes id="2"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                     
> <instance_attributes id="status-2">
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                       <nvpair 
> id="status-2-shutdown" name="shutdown" value="0"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                     
> </instance_attributes>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                   
> </transient_attributes>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']:  
> <transient_attributes id="1"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                     
> <instance_attributes id="status-1">
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                       <nvpair 
> id="status-1-shutdown" name="shutdown" value="0"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                     
> </instance_attributes>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                   
> </transient_attributes>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ /cib/status/node_state[@id='3']:  
> <transient_attributes id="3"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                     
> <instance_attributes id="status-3">
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                       <nvpair 
> id="status-3-shutdown" name="shutdown" value="0"/>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                     
> </instance_attributes>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                   
> </transient_attributes>
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/attrd/2, version=0.98.4)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.4 2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.5 (null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=5
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/attrd/3, version=0.98.5)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up001.ring0/attrd/2, version=0.98.5)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 2 for shutdown: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 2 for shutdown[apache-up001.ring0]=(null): OK 
> (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 2 for shutdown[apache-up002.ring0]=0: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 2 for shutdown[apache-up003.ring0]=0: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Sent update 4 with 3 changes for shutdown, id=<n/a>, 
> set=(null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.5 2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.6 (null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=6
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up001.ring0/attrd/3, version=0.98.6)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 3 for terminate: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 3 for terminate[apache-up001.ring0]=(null): OK 
> (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 3 for terminate[apache-up002.ring0]=(null): OK 
> (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 3 for terminate[apache-up003.ring0]=(null): OK 
> (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/34, version=0.98.6)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.6 2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.7 (null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=7
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']:  
> @crm-debug-origin=do_state_transition
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']:  
> @crm-debug-origin=do_state_transition
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib/status/node_state[@id='3']:  
> @crm-debug-origin=do_state_transition
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/35, version=0.98.7)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to 
> master (origin=local/attrd/4)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up001.ring0/attrd/4, version=0.98.7)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 4 for shutdown: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 4 for shutdown[apache-up001.ring0]=0: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 4 for shutdown[apache-up002.ring0]=0: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 4 for shutdown[apache-up003.ring0]=0: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.7 2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.8 (null)
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=8, @dc-uuid=2
> May 14 15:47:21 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section cib: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/36, version=0.98.8)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_peer_update:     Setting probe_complete[apache-up003.ring0]: (null) -> 
> true from apache-up003.ring0
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Sent update 5 with 1 changes for probe_complete, 
> id=<n/a>, set=(null)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_peer_update:     Setting probe_complete[apache-up002.ring0]: (null) -> 
> true from apache-up002.ring0
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Write out of 'probe_complete' delayed: update 5 in 
> progress
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to 
> master (origin=local/attrd/5)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.8 2
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.9 (null)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=9
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ 
> /cib/status/node_state[@id='3']/transient_attributes[@id='3']/instance_attributes[@id='status-3']:
>   <nvpair id="status-3-probe_complete" name="probe_complete" value="true"/>
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up001.ring0/attrd/5, version=0.98.9)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 5 for probe_complete: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 5 for 
> probe_complete[apache-up002.ring0]=(null): OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 5 for probe_complete[apache-up003.ring0]=true: 
> OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Sent update 6 with 2 changes for probe_complete, 
> id=<n/a>, set=(null)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to 
> master (origin=local/attrd/6)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_peer_update:     Setting probe_complete[apache-up001.ring0]: (null) -> 
> true from apache-up001.ring0
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Write out of 'probe_complete' delayed: update 6 in 
> progress
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.9 2
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.10 (null)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=10
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ 
> /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/transient_attributes[@id='2']/instance_attributes[@id='status-2']:
>   <nvpair id="status-2-probe_complete" name="probe_complete" value="true"/>
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up001.ring0/attrd/6, version=0.98.10)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 6 for probe_complete: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 6 for 
> probe_complete[apache-up001.ring0]=(null): OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 6 for probe_complete[apache-up002.ring0]=true: 
> OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 6 for probe_complete[apache-up003.ring0]=true: 
> OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> write_attribute:       Sent update 7 with 3 changes for probe_complete, 
> id=<n/a>, set=(null)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to 
> master (origin=local/attrd/7)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.10 2
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.11 (null)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=11
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ 
> /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/transient_attributes[@id='1']/instance_attributes[@id='status-1']:
>   <nvpair id="status-1-probe_complete" name="probe_complete" value="true"/>
> May 14 15:47:22 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> can_fence_host_with_device:    scsi can fence (on) apache-up001.ring0: 
> static-list
> May 14 15:47:22 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up001.ring0/attrd/7, version=0.98.11)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 7 for probe_complete: OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 7 for probe_complete[apache-up001.ring0]=true: 
> OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 7 for probe_complete[apache-up002.ring0]=true: 
> OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18954] apache-up001.itc4u.local      attrd:     info: 
> attrd_cib_callback:    Update 7 for probe_complete[apache-up003.ring0]=true: 
> OK (0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> can_fence_host_with_device:    scsi can fence (on) apache-up001.ring0: 
> static-list
> May 14 15:47:22 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:     info: 
> stonith_fence_get_devices_cb:  Found 1 matching devices for 
> 'apache-up001.ring0'
> May 14 15:47:22 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> remote_op_done:        Operation on of apache-up003.ring0 by 
> apache-up003.ring0 for crmd.15120@apache-up002.ring0.44c5a0b6: OK
> May 14 15:47:22 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> tengine_stonith_notify:        apache-up003.ring0 was successfully unfenced 
> by apache-up003.ring0 (at the request of apache-up002.ring0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> remote_op_done:        Operation on of apache-up002.ring0 by 
> apache-up002.ring0 for crmd.15120@apache-up002.ring0.e4b17672: OK
> May 14 15:47:22 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> tengine_stonith_notify:        apache-up002.ring0 was successfully unfenced 
> by apache-up002.ring0 (at the request of apache-up002.ring0)
> May 14 15:47:22 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> log_operation: Operation 'on' [19052] (call 4 from crmd.15120) for host 
> 'apache-up001.ring0' with device 'scsi' returned: 0 (OK)
> May 14 15:47:23 [18952] apache-up001.itc4u.local stonith-ng:   notice: 
> remote_op_done:        Operation on of apache-up001.ring0 by 
> apache-up001.ring0 for crmd.15120@apache-up002.ring0.a682d19f: OK
> May 14 15:47:23 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> tengine_stonith_notify:        apache-up001.ring0 was successfully unfenced 
> by apache-up001.ring0 (at the request of apache-up002.ring0)
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.11 2
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.12 (null)
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=12
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']:  
> @crm-debug-origin=do_update_resource
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ 
> /cib/status/node_state[@id='2']/lrm[@id='2']/lrm_resources:  <lrm_resource 
> id="scsi" type="fence_scsi" class="stonith"/>
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                                     
>            <lrm_rsc_op id="scsi_last_0" operation_key="scsi_monitor_0" 
> operation="monitor" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource" 
> crm_feature_set="3.0.10" 
> transition-key="6:0:7:6b7d5189-b033-453b-b1a3-a851c1bd46c2" 
> transition-magic="0:7;6:0:7:6b7d5189-b033-453b-b1a3-a851c1bd46c2" 
> on_node="apache-up002.ring0" call-id="5" rc-code="7" op-status="0" 
> interval="0" last-run=
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                                     
>          </lrm_resource>
> May 14 15:47:24 [18953] apache-up001.itc4u.local       lrmd:     info: 
> process_lrmd_get_rsc_info:     Resource 'scsi' not found (0 active resources)
> May 14 15:47:24 [18953] apache-up001.itc4u.local       lrmd:     info: 
> process_lrmd_rsc_register:     Added 'scsi' to the rsc list (1 active 
> resources)
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up002.ring0/crmd/39, version=0.98.12)
> May 14 15:47:24 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> do_lrm_rsc_op: Performing key=3:0:7:6b7d5189-b033-453b-b1a3-a851c1bd46c2 
> op=scsi_monitor_0
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.12 2
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.13 (null)
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=13
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib/status/node_state[@id='3']:  
> @crm-debug-origin=do_update_resource
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ 
> /cib/status/node_state[@id='3']/lrm[@id='3']/lrm_resources:  <lrm_resource 
> id="scsi" type="fence_scsi" class="stonith"/>
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                                     
>            <lrm_rsc_op id="scsi_last_0" operation_key="scsi_monitor_0" 
> operation="monitor" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource" 
> crm_feature_set="3.0.10" 
> transition-key="9:0:7:6b7d5189-b033-453b-b1a3-a851c1bd46c2" 
> transition-magic="0:7;9:0:7:6b7d5189-b033-453b-b1a3-a851c1bd46c2" 
> on_node="apache-up003.ring0" call-id="5" rc-code="7" op-status="0" 
> interval="0" last-run=
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                                     
>          </lrm_resource>
> May 14 15:47:24 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up003.ring0/crmd/13, version=0.98.13)
> May 14 15:47:25 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:   notice: 
> process_lrm_event:     Operation scsi_monitor_0: not running 
> (node=apache-up001.ring0, call=5, rc=7, cib-update=12, confirmed=true)
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Forwarding cib_modify operation for section status to 
> master (origin=local/crmd/12)
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: --- 0.98.13 2
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        Diff: +++ 0.98.14 (null)
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib:  @num_updates=14
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        +  /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']:  
> @crm-debug-origin=do_update_resource
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++ 
> /cib/status/node_state[@id='1']/lrm[@id='1']/lrm_resources:  <lrm_resource 
> id="scsi" type="fence_scsi" class="stonith"/>
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                                     
>            <lrm_rsc_op id="scsi_last_0" operation_key="scsi_monitor_0" 
> operation="monitor" crm-debug-origin="do_update_resource" 
> crm_feature_set="3.0.10" 
> transition-key="3:0:7:6b7d5189-b033-453b-b1a3-a851c1bd46c2" 
> transition-magic="0:7;3:0:7:6b7d5189-b033-453b-b1a3-a851c1bd46c2" 
> on_node="apache-up001.ring0" call-id="5" rc-code="7" op-status="0" 
> interval="0" last-run=
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_perform_op:        ++                                                     
>          </lrm_resource>
> May 14 15:47:25 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_request:   Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK 
> (rc=0, origin=apache-up001.ring0/crmd/12, version=0.98.14)
> May 14 15:47:30 [18951] apache-up001.itc4u.local        cib:     info: 
> cib_process_ping:      Reporting our current digest to apache-up002.ring0: 
> e1c4fabedccaa4621f5d737327d9a8d5 for 0.98.14 (0x18c3300 0)
> May 14 15:47:30 [18956] apache-up001.itc4u.local       crmd:     info: 
> throttle_send_command: New throttle mode: 0000 (was ffffffff)
> cat /var/log/pacemaker.log
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> crm_log_init:  Changed active directory to /var/lib/pacemaker/cores/root
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> get_cluster_type:      Detected an active 'corosync' cluster
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:     info: 
> mcp_read_config:       Reading configure for stack: corosync
> May 14 15:46:59 [18950] apache-up001.itc4u.local pacemakerd:   notice: 
> crm_add_logfile:       Switching to /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
> Can anyone help me please? This is really driving me crazy
> Kind regards
> Marco 
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