Hi all,

When i use the following command to simulate data lost of network at one member 
of my 3 nodes Pacemaker+Corosync cluster,
sometimes it cause Pacemaker on another node exit.

  tc qdisc add dev eth2 root netem loss 90%

Is there any method to avoid this proleam?

[root@node3 ~]# ps -ef|grep pacemaker
root      32540      1  0 00:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/lrmd
189       32542      1  0 00:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/libexec/pacemaker/pengine
root      33491  11491  0 00:58 pts/1    00:00:00 grep pacemaker

Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/attrd/230, version=10.657.19)
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [CPG   ] chosen downlist: sender r(0) 
ip( ; members(old:2 left:1)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2172496064 joined group pacemakerd (counter=12.0)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2172496064 still member of group pacemakerd (peer=node2, counter=12.0)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:       
pcmk_cpg_membership: Node node2[2172496064] - corosync-cpg is now online
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2273159360 still member of group pacemakerd (peer=node3, counter=12.1)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: crm_cs_flush:       Sent 0 
CPG messages  (1 remaining, last=19): Try again (6)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2273159360 left group pacemakerd (peer=node3, counter=13.0)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:       
pcmk_cpg_membership: Node node3[2273159360] - corosync-cpg is now offline
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2172496064 still member of group pacemakerd (peer=node2, counter=13.0)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:    error: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
We're not part of CPG group 'pacemakerd' anymore!
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:    error: pcmk_cpg_dispatch:  Evicted 
from CPG membership
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:    error: mcp_cpg_destroy:    
Connection destroyed
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: crm_xml_cleanup:    
Cleaning up memory from libxml2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:    error: crm_ipc_read:       
Connection to pacemakerd failed
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:    error: mainloop_gio_callback:      
Connection to pacemakerd[0x1255eb0] closed (I/O condition=17)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:     crit: attrd_cs_destroy:   Lost 
connection to Corosync service!
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:   notice: main:       Exiting...
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:   notice: main:       Disconnecting 
client 0x12579a0, pid=46860...
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:    error: 
attrd_cib_connection_destroy:       Connection to the CIB terminated...
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc_exit: Client attrd 
(conn=0x1955f80, async-conn=0x1955f80) left
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:    error: crm_ipc_read:       
Connection to pacemakerd failed
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:    error: mainloop_gio_callback:      
Connection to pacemakerd[0x2314af0] closed (I/O condition=17)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:    error: stonith_peer_cs_destroy:    
Corosync connection terminated
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: stonith_shutdown:   
Terminating with  1 clients
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: cib_connection_destroy:     
Connection to the CIB closed.

please see corosynclog.txt for detail of log 

[root@node3 ~]# cat /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
totem {
       version: 2
       secauth: off
       interface {
               member {
               member {
               member {

               ringnumber: 0
               mcastport: 5405
               ttl: 1
       transport: udpu

logging {
       fileline: off
       to_logfile: yes
       to_syslog: no
       logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
       debug: off
       timestamp: on
       logger_subsys {
               subsys: AMF
               debug: off

service {
       ver: 1
       name: pacemaker

[root@node3 ~]# rpm -q corosync
[root@node3 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
CentOS release 6.3 (Final)
[root@node3 ~]# pacemakerd -F
Pacemaker 1.1.14-1.el6 (Build: 70404b0)
 Supporting v3.0.10:  generated-manpages agent-manpages ascii-docs ncurses 
libqb-logging libqb-ipc nagios  corosync-plugin cman acls
Aug 27 12:33:58 corosync [TOTEM ] Process pause detected for 1115 ms, flushing 
membership messages.
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [TOTEM ] Process pause detected for 652 ms, flushing 
membership messages.
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:     info: action_synced_wait: Managed 
mysqlmha_meta-data_0 process 49106 exited with rc=0
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] notice: pcmk_peer_update: Transitional 
membership event on ring 25712: memb=1, new=0, lost=0
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: memb: node3 2273159360
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] notice: pcmk_peer_update: Stable membership 
event on ring 25712: memb=2, new=1, lost=0
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] info: update_member: Node 2172496064/node2 is 
now: member
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: NEW:  node2 2172496064
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: MEMB: node2 2172496064
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_peer_update: MEMB: node3 2273159360
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] info: send_member_notification: Sending 
membership update 25712 to 3 children
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [TOTEM ] A processor joined or left the membership and 
a new membership was formed.
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:   notice: plugin_handle_membership:   
Membership 25712: quorum acquired
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:       Created 
entry 11364f1b-043f-483e-af7b-7c3ce0c66274/0x2476a70 for node node2/2172496064 
(2 total)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:       Node 
2172496064 is now known as node2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:   notice: plugin_handle_membership:   
Membership 25712: quorum acquired
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: crm_get_peer:       Created 
entry 1ad99213-c2ed-4bc9-a32f-9ec76d95178a/0xb66e70 for node node2/2172496064 
(2 total)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: crm_get_peer:       Node 
2172496064 is now known as node2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: crm_get_peer:       Node 
2172496064 has uuid node2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter: 
plugin_handle_membership: Node node2[2172496064] - state is now member (was 
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: crm_update_peer:    
plugin_handle_membership: Node node2: id=2172496064 state=member addr=r(0) 
ip(  (new) votes=1 (new) born=24148 seen=25712 
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: crm_get_peer:       Node 
2172496064 has uuid node2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter: 
plugin_handle_membership: Node node2[2172496064] - state is now member (was 
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: crm_update_peer:    
plugin_handle_membership: Node node2: id=2172496064 state=member addr=r(0) 
ip(  (new) votes=1 (new) born=24148 seen=25712 
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:   notice: plugin_handle_membership:   
Membership 25712: quorum acquired
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:   notice: crm_update_peer_state_iter: 
plugin_handle_membership: Node node2[2172496064] - state is now member (was 
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:     info: peer_update_callback:       
node2 is now member (was lost)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.15 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.16 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=16
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node2']:  @crm-debug-origin=peer_update_callback
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/266, version=10.657.16)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/269, version=10.657.16)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.16 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.17 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=17
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node3']:  @crm-debug-origin=post_cache_update
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node2']:  @crm-debug-origin=post_cache_update
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/270, version=10.657.17)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.17 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.18 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=18, @dc-uuid=node3
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section cib: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/271, version=10.657.18)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.16 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=16
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node2']:  @crm-debug-origin=peer_update_callback
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/266, version=10.657.16)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section nodes: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/269, version=10.657.16)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.16 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.17 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=17
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node3']:  @crm-debug-origin=post_cache_update
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node2']:  @crm-debug-origin=post_cache_update
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/270, version=10.657.17)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.17 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.18 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=18, @dc-uuid=node3
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section cib: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/271, version=10.657.18)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:     info: crmd_cs_dispatch:   Setting 
expected votes to 3
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:     info: register_fsa_error_adv:     
Resetting the current action list
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:  warning: crmd_ha_msg_filter: Another 
DC detected: node2 (op=noop)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:     info: do_state_transition:        
State transition S_FINALIZE_JOIN -> S_ELECTION [ input=I_ELECTION 
cause=C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=crmd_ha_msg_filter ]
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:     info: update_dc:  Unset DC. Was 
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46860] node3       crmd:     info: do_log:     FSA: Input 
I_JOIN_RESULT from route_message() received in state S_ELECTION
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: xml_patch_version_check:    
Current num_updates is too high (18 > 15)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:  warning: cib_server_process_diff:    
Something went wrong in compatibility mode, requesting full refresh
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.15 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.16 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=16
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node3']:  @crm-debug-origin=peer_update_callback
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: send_sync_request:  
Requesting re-sync from peer
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: xml_patch_version_check:    
Current num_updates is too high (18 > 16)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:  warning: cib_server_process_diff:    
Something went wrong in compatibility mode, requesting full refresh
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.16 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.17 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=17
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node3']:  @in_ccm=false, 
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node2']:  @crm-debug-origin=post_cache_update
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: send_sync_request:  
Requesting re-sync from peer
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: xml_patch_version_check:    
Current num_updates is too high (18 > 17)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:  warning: cib_server_process_diff:    
Something went wrong in compatibility mode, requesting full refresh
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.17 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.18 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=18, @have-quorum=0
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: send_sync_request:  
Requesting re-sync from peer
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
--- 10.657.18 2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     Diff: 
+++ 10.657.19 (null)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib:  @num_updates=19, @have-quorum=0, @dc-uuid=node2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node3']:  @in_ccm=false, 
@crm-debug-origin=do_state_transition, @join=down
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_perform_op:     +  
/cib/status/node_state[@id='node2']:  @crm-debug-origin=do_state_transition
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_apply_diff operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=node2/crmd/748, version=10.657.19)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section crm_config: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/crmd/273, version=10.657.19)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/attrd/226, version=10.657.19)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/attrd/228, version=10.657.19)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46855] node3        cib:     info: cib_process_request:        
Completed cib_modify operation for section status: OK (rc=0, 
origin=local/attrd/230, version=10.657.19)
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [CPG   ] chosen downlist: sender r(0) 
ip( ; members(old:2 left:1)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2172496064 joined group pacemakerd (counter=12.0)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2172496064 still member of group pacemakerd (peer=node2, counter=12.0)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:       
pcmk_cpg_membership: Node node2[2172496064] - corosync-cpg is now online
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2273159360 still member of group pacemakerd (peer=node3, counter=12.1)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: crm_cs_flush:       Sent 0 
CPG messages  (1 remaining, last=19): Try again (6)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2273159360 left group pacemakerd (peer=node3, counter=13.0)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: crm_update_peer_proc:       
pcmk_cpg_membership: Node node3[2273159360] - corosync-cpg is now offline
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
Node 2172496064 still member of group pacemakerd (peer=node2, counter=13.0)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:    error: pcmk_cpg_membership:        
We're not part of CPG group 'pacemakerd' anymore!
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:    error: pcmk_cpg_dispatch:  Evicted 
from CPG membership
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:    error: mcp_cpg_destroy:    
Connection destroyed
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:     info: crm_xml_cleanup:    
Cleaning up memory from libxml2
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:    error: crm_ipc_read:       
Connection to pacemakerd failed
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:    error: mainloop_gio_callback:      
Connection to pacemakerd[0x1255eb0] closed (I/O condition=17)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:     crit: attrd_cs_destroy:   Lost 
connection to Corosync service!
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:   notice: main:       Exiting...
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:   notice: main:       Disconnecting 
client 0x12579a0, pid=46860...
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46858] node3      attrd:    error: 
attrd_cib_connection_destroy:       Connection to the CIB terminated...
Aug 27 12:33:59 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc_exit: Client attrd 
(conn=0x1955f80, async-conn=0x1955f80) left
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:    error: crm_ipc_read:       
Connection to pacemakerd failed
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:    error: mainloop_gio_callback:      
Connection to pacemakerd[0x2314af0] closed (I/O condition=17)
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:    error: stonith_peer_cs_destroy:    
Corosync connection terminated
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: stonith_shutdown:   
Terminating with  1 clients
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: cib_connection_destroy:     
Connection to the CIB closed.
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: qb_ipcs_us_withdraw:        
withdrawing server sockets
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: main:       Done
Aug 27 12:33:59 [46856] node3 stonith-ng:     info: crm_xml_cleanup:    
Cleaning up memory from libxml2
Aug 27 12:34:00 corosync [MAIN  ] Completed service synchronization, ready to 
provide service.
Aug 27 12:34:00 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_ipc_exit: Client stonith-ng 
(conn=0x195aa50, async-conn=0x195aa50) left
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