Could that be the result of a failed migration combined with a bad monitor?

>>> Omar Jaber <> schrieb am 11.12.2016 um 23:19 in Nachricht
> Hi all ,
> I have cluster contains three  nodes  with different sore  for location  
> constrain and  I have  group resource (it's a service  exsists  in 
> /etc/init.d/  folder)
> Running  on the  node  the  have  the highest score  for   location 
> constrain when I  try to  reboot one  of  the standby node    I  see when the 
> standby node become  up  the resource  stopped  in master node and restart 
> again    after  I check the  pacemaker  status  I see the following error  :
> "error: resource  'resource_name' is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery "
> Then I disables the  pcs  cluster  service in boot t time in standby node by 
> run the command  " pcs cluster disable  " then I reboot the node  and I  see 
> the resource  is started in standby node ( because  the resource  stored in 
> /etc/init.d folder)
> After that I  run the  pcs cluster  service  in standby node  and  I see the 
> same  error is  generated
> "error: resource  'resource_name' is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery "
> The problem  is  without reboot standby node this  problem not  happen for  
> example
> If  I stop pcs  cluster service  in standby , run the  resource  in standby 
> node , then I start  pcs cluster
> The error   "error: resource  'resource_name' is active on 2 nodes 
> attempting recovery "   not  generated in this case.
> Thanks

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