
Currently I've tried to setup a 3 node asymmetric cluster, with the 3th node 
only being used as a tie breaker.

monnod01 & monnod02 :

*        centos 7.3

*        pacemaker-1.1.15-11.el7_3.2.x86_64,

*        corosync-2.4.0-4.el7.x86_64

*        drbd84-utils-8.9.8-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64

*        PostgreSQL 9.4

*        centos 7.3

*        pacemaker-1.1.15-11.el7_3.2.x86_64

*        corosync-2.4.0-4.el7.x86_64

*        no drbd installed.

Now I've noticed that the master/slave drbd resource only activates the master 
side and not also the slave side allowing the drbd to actually sync between 
each other. I've setup a 2 node cluster, and there it works without any issue.
But when I try to do the same, but with a 3th node, and

pcs property set symmetric-cluster=false

For some reason it keeps adding the 3the node as a stopped resource in the 
master slave setup and it doesn't mention a slave resource.

pcs status
Online: [ monnod01 monnod02 monquor ]

Full list of resources:

ClusterIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started monnod01
Master/Slave Set: drbd-demo-resource-clone [drbd-demo-resource]
     Masters: [ monnod01 ]
     Stopped: [ monquor ]

Resource created with the following

pcs -f drbd_cfg resource create drbd-demo-resource ocf:linbit:drbd 
drbd_resource=drbd-demo op monitor interval=10s
pcs -f drbd_cfg resource master drbd-demo-resource-clone drbd-demo-resource 
master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 notify=true

Even though I've used location constraints on the master slave resource 
allowing it only access to the 2 nodes.

[root@monnod01 ~]# pcs constraint
  Resource: drbd-demo-resource-clone
    Enabled on: monnod01 (score:INFINITY)
    Enabled on: monnod02 (score:INFINITY)

The actual failover itself works, so it activates the DRBD disk, mounts it and 
starts up the db service which access the files on this drbd disk.
But since the slave drbd is never started, it'll never actually perform the 
drbd sync between the disks.
What am I missing to actually make the master/slave resource ignore the 3 node 
and startup the master and slave resource ?
Does DRBD need to be installed on the 3th node as well ?

I've put the complete output of the commands in the attachment of the mail.

Met vriendelijke groeten / Meilleures salutations / Best regards

Kristof Bruyninckx
System Engineer

[root@monnod01 cluster]# pcs status
Cluster name: ha-zenoss-cluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: monquor (version 1.1.15-11.el7_3.2-e174ec8) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Tue Mar 14 15:40:32 2017          Last change: Tue Mar 14 
15:03:46 2017 by root via crm_attribute on monnod02

3 nodes and 9 resources configured

Online: [ monnod01 monnod02 monquor ]

Full list of resources:

 ClusterIP      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started monnod01
 Master/Slave Set: drbd-demo-resource-clone [drbd-demo-resource]
     Masters: [ monnod01 ]
     Stopped: [ monquor ]
 db-data        (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started monnod01
 vcenter-fence  (stonith:fence_vmware_soap):    Started monquor
 pgsql_service  (ocf::heartbeat:pgsql): Started monnod01
 vcenter-fence-monquor  (stonith:fence_vmware_soap):    Started monnod02
 vcenter-fence-monnod1  (stonith:fence_vmware_soap):    Started monnod02
 vcenter-fence-monnod2  (stonith:fence_vmware_soap):    Started monnod01

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/disabled
  pacemaker: active/disabled
  pcsd: active/enabled
[root@monnod01 cluster]#

[root@monnod01 cluster]# pcs resource --full
 Resource: ClusterIP (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=IPaddr2)
  Attributes: ip= cidr_netmask=26
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-start-interval-0s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=20s (ClusterIP-stop-interval-0s)
              monitor interval=5s (ClusterIP-monitor-interval-5s)
 Master: drbd-demo-resource-clone
  Meta Attrs: master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 notify=true master-max=1 
  Resource: drbd-demo-resource (class=ocf provider=linbit type=drbd)
   Attributes: drbd_resource=drbd-demo
   Operations: start interval=0s timeout=240 
               promote interval=0s timeout=90 
               demote interval=0s timeout=90 
               stop interval=0s timeout=100 
               monitor interval=10s (drbd-demo-resource-monitor-interval-10s)
 Resource: db-data (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=Filesystem)
  Attributes: device=/dev/drbd0 directory=/var/lib/pgsql fstype=ext4 
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=60 (db-data-start-interval-0s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=60 (db-data-stop-interval-0s)
              monitor interval=20 timeout=40 (db-data-monitor-interval-20)
 Resource: pgsql_service (class=ocf provider=heartbeat type=pgsql)
  Attributes: pgctl=/usr/pgsql-9.4/bin/pg_ctl psql=/usr/bin/psql 
  Operations: start interval=0s timeout=120 (pgsql_service-start-interval-0s)
              stop interval=0s timeout=120 (pgsql_service-stop-interval-0s)
              promote interval=0s timeout=120 
              demote interval=0s timeout=120 (pgsql_service-demote-interval-0s)
              monitor interval=10 timeout=10 (pgsql_service-monitor-interval-10)
[root@monnod01 cluster]#

[root@monnod01 cluster]# pcs constraint
Location Constraints:
  Resource: ClusterIP
    Enabled on: monnod01 (score:0)
    Enabled on: monnod02 (score:0)
  Resource: db-data
    Enabled on: monnod01 (score:0)
    Enabled on: monnod02 (score:0)
  Resource: drbd-demo-resource-clone
    Enabled on: monnod01 (score:INFINITY)
    Enabled on: monnod02 (score:INFINITY)
  Resource: pgsql_service
    Enabled on: monnod01 (score:0)
    Enabled on: monnod02 (score:0)
  Resource: vcenter-fence
    Enabled on: monquor (score:0)
  Resource: vcenter-fence-monnod1
    Enabled on: monnod02 (score:0)
  Resource: vcenter-fence-monnod2
    Enabled on: monnod01 (score:0)
  Resource: vcenter-fence-monquor
    Enabled on: monnod01 (score:0)
    Enabled on: monnod02 (score:0)
Ordering Constraints:
  promote drbd-demo-resource-clone then start db-data (kind:Mandatory)
  start db-data then start pgsql_service (kind:Mandatory)
Colocation Constraints:
  drbd-demo-resource-clone with ClusterIP (score:INFINITY)
  db-data with drbd-demo-resource-clone (score:INFINITY) (with-rsc-role:Master)
  pgsql_service with db-data (score:INFINITY)
Ticket Constraints:
[root@monnod01 cluster]#
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