On 23/07/17 12:32 +0100, Adam Spiers wrote:
> Jan Pokorný <jpoko...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> So, going to attend summit and want your key signed while reciprocally
>> spreading the web of trust?
>> Awesome, let's reuse the steps from the last time:
>> Once you have a key pair (and provided that you are using GnuPG),
>> please run the following sequence:
>>   # figure out the key ID for the identity to be verified;
>>   # IDENTITY is either your associated email address/your name
>>   # if only single key ID matches, specific key otherwise
>>   # (you can use "gpg -K" to select a desired ID at the "sec" line)
>>   KEY=$(gpg --with-colons 'IDENTITY' | grep '^pub' | cut -d: -f5)
> AFAICS this has two problems: it's missing a --list-key option,

Bummer!  I've been checking the original thread(s) for responses from
others, but forgot to check my own:

Thanks for spotting (and the public key already sent), Adam.

> and it doesn't handle multiple matches for 'IDENTITY'.  So to make it
> choose the newest key if there are several:
>    read IDENTITY
>    KEY=$(gpg --with-colons --list-key "$IDENTITY" | grep '^pub' |
>              sort -t: -nr -k6 | head -n1 | cut -d: -f5)

Good point.  Hopefully affected persons, allegedly heavy users of GPG,
are capable to adapt on-the-fly anyway :-)

>>  # export the public key to a file that is suitable for exchange
>>  gpg --export -a -- $KEY > $KEY
>>  # verify that you have an expected data to share
>>  gpg --with-fingerprint -- $KEY

Jan (Poki)

Attachment: pgpUQYEVl7JOS.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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