First thanks for your answer!

On 3/7/18 11:16 AM, Jan Friesse wrote:
> Thomas,
>> Hi,
>> first some background info for my questions I'm going to ask:
>> We use corosync as a basis for our distributed realtime configuration
>> file system (pmxcfs)[1].
> nice
>> We got some reports of a completely hanging FS with the only
>> correlations being high load, often IO, and most times a message that
>> corosync did not got scheduled for longer than the token timeout.
>> See this example from a three node cluster, first:
>>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]: warning [MAIN  ] Corosync 
>>> main process was not scheduled for 3767.3159 ms (threshold is 1320.0000 
>>> ms). Consider token timeout increase.
>> then we get a few logs that JOIN or LEAVE messages were thrown away
>> (understandable for this event):
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]: warning [TOTEM ] JOIN or 
>> LEAVE message was thrown away during flush operation.
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [MAIN  ] Corosync main 
>> process was not scheduled for 3767.3159 ms (threshold is 1320.0000 ms). 
>> Consider token timeout increase.
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [TOTEM ] JOIN or LEAVE 
>> message was thrown away during flush operation.
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [TOTEM ] JOIN or LEAVE 
>> message was thrown away during flush operation.
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [TOTEM ] JOIN or LEAVE 
>> message was thrown away during flush operation.
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [TOTEM ] JOIN or LEAVE 
>> message was thrown away during flush operation.
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [TOTEM ] JOIN or LEAVE 
>> message was thrown away during flush operation.
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]: notice  [TOTEM ] A new 
>> membership ( was formed. Members joined: 2 3 left: 2 3
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]: notice  [TOTEM ] Failed to 
>> receive the leave message. failed: 2 3
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [TOTEM ] A new membership 
>> ( was formed. Members joined: 2 3 left: 2 3
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [TOTEM ] Failed to receive 
>> the leave message. failed: 2 3
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]: notice  [QUORUM] 
>> Members[3]: 1 2 3
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]: notice  [MAIN  ] Completed 
>> service synchronization, ready to provide service.
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [QUORUM] Members[3]: 1 2 3
>> Mar 01 13:07:56 ceph05-01-public corosync[1638]:  [MAIN  ] Completed service 
>> synchronization, ready to provide service.
>> Until recently we stepped really in the dark and had everything from
>> Kernel bugs to our filesystem logic as possible cause in mind...  But
>> then we had the luck to trigger this in our test systems and went to
>> town with gdb on the core dump, finding that we can trigger this by
>> pausing the leader (from our FS POV) for a short moment (may be shorter
>> than the token timeout), so that a new leader get elected, and then
>> resuming our leader node VM again.
>> The problem I saw was that while the leader had a log entry which
>> proved that he noticed his blackout:
>>> [TOTEM ] A new membership ( was formed. Members joined: 
>>> 2 3 left: 2 3
> I know it looks weird but it's perfectly fine and expected.

It seemed OK, from this nodes POV, just the missing config change CB
was a bit odd to us.

>> our FS cpg_confchg_fn callback[2] was never called, thus it thought it
> That shouldn't happen

So we really should get a config change CB on the paused node after
unpausing, with all other (online) nodes in both leave and join member
Just asking again to confirm my thinking and that I did not misunderstood
you. :)

>> was still in sync and nothing ever happened, until another member
>> triggered this callback, by either leaving or (re-)joining.
>> Looking in the cpg.c code I saw that there's another callback, namely
>> cpg_totem_confchg_fn, which seemed a bit odd as wew did not set that
> This callback is not necessary to have as long as information about cpg group 
> is enough. cpg_totem_confchg_fn contains information about all processors 
> (nodes).

OK, make sense.

>> one... (I ain't the original author of the FS and it predates at least
>> to 2010, so maybe cpg_initialize was not yet deprecated there, and
>> thus model_initialize was not used then)
>> I switched over to using cpg_model_initialize and set the totem_confchg
>> callback, but for the "blacked out node" it gets called twice after the
>> event, but always shows all members...
>> So to finally get to my questions:
>> * why doesn't get the cpg_confchg_fn CB called when a node has a short
>>   blackout (i.e., corosync not being scheduled for a bit of time)?
>>   having all other nodes in it's leave and join list, as the log
>>   would suggests ("Members joined: 2 3 left: 2 3")
> I believe it was called but not when corosync was paused.

But I never see my registered callback called after unpausing and
also when printing out the dispatch_data->id inside cpg_dispatch
I do not get one with "MESSAGE_RES_CPG_CONFCHG_CALLBACK" after 

>> * If that doesn't seems like a good idea, what can we use to really
>>   detect such a node blackout?
> It's not possible to detect from the affected node, but it must be detected 
> from other nodes.

You mean not directly, as in: we cannot differ between a legitimate fall
out and such a pause, caused artificially or by real high IO.
That makes sense.

>> As a work around I added logic for when through a config change a node
>> with a lower ID joined. The node which was leader until then triggers
>> a CPG leave enforcing a cluster wide config change event to happen,
>> which this time also the blacked out node gets and syncs then again
>> This works, but does not feels really nice, IMO...
> Ok let me explain what exactly happened in your test and simplify it to two 
> nodes:
> - Node A and B are running corosync and same cpg application
> - Node A is paused for time > token_timeout
> - Node B detects that node A is not responding
>   - Creates new membership (with only node B)
>   - Sends notification to cpg app about Node A leave
> - Node A is still paused so it cannot send notification into cpg app
> - Node A is unpaused
>   - Pause is detected and start forming new membership
>   - From node A point of view, node B left - simply because node never 
> considers itself as left
>   - Node A is able to contact node B so final membership is A, B.
>   - Node A can finally deliver two cpg conf changes into cpg application. One 
> about left of node B and second one about join of node B.

Exactly the last point is missing here, and I'd also expect it
to happen... I only get the config change on Node B for the Node
A join, but Node A logs (as stated)... :/

> Now it's really cpg application problem to synchronize its data. Many 
> applications (usually FS) are using quorum together with fencing to find out, 
> which cluster partition is quorate and clean inquorate one.
> Hopefully my explanation help you and feel free to ask more questions!

They help, but I'm still a bit unsure about why the CB could not happen here,
may need to dive a bit deeper into corosync :)

> Regards,
>   Honza
>> help would be appreciated, much thanks!
>> cheers,
>> Thomas
>> [1]: 
>> [2]: 

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