
I set up a mariadb on CentOS7 as master/slave-.

Manually the sync works.

when I confiure a ms resource in pacmaker, it comes up correctly on the
first glance.

"show master status" and "show slave status" in mysql works and shows
the correct status.

When I set the master node to standby, pacemaker promotes the database
server correctly, at least in the pacemaker status. BUT: "show master
status" on the now promoted server shows nothing. The database definitly
in NOT in the master state.

Setting the first node online again, pacemaker starts the database and
shows it as a slave. "show master status" in the database shows, that
the first node is master again.

So, the status in pacemaker does not agree to the real status of the

Any ideas?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


[*] sys4 AG
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